My collection is complete-finally got my GRAIL!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 26, 2005
So...I finally bought my grail-a Rosey Posey! She is the only G3 I wanted and didn't have-I never thought I'd spend that much on a pony, but I'm SO glad I did!! I feel so lucky to have such a rare and special pony...all my ponies are put away in boxes right now (until I find a place to put them all) but she is in a display case all by herself.
I never tell people what she is worth, by the way :D I'm quite sure no one would understand! (Except people here, of course.)

I sold a lot of my G1 collection to get her (which I had just started, really.) I only kept my favorites-which ended up being a lot-I am still trying to weed through all of them and decide which others to part with! I really didn't enjoy collecting the G1's for some reason-and I was really happy to get my grail w/ the money from selling some of them (selling my Paradise Estate and some porcelains helped a lot!)
Yay! Congrats! Isn't it great when you finally get that pony that you've been after for ages? It gives you the fuzzies. :)
Well done! There's a wonderful feeling of satisfaction when that happens isn't there?