my first MIB grail =)


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 22, 2005

I traded with Laurachan (arena) for her and a baity truly (can we say rearing mimic?). I think I did pretty well :) we worked a fair trade and I managed to clear a little room on my shelves - not to mention find some ponies a new home!

I just love her! I so want the MGR ponies :D two down - counting loose sparkler - four to go :)
She's lovely, congrats! There's been quite a few on ebay, but I always forget about the auctions LOL! Congrats!
Lol are you a fan of Eddie Izzard???? :D Very pretty pony! I love the Merry Go Round ponies. ^_^

*giggles madly*
I love the non German speaking ponies!!!
Well done though, and keep her MIB if you can - I have no will power at all, so I never bother buying MIB cos they'd be 'liberated' within about five seconds LOL
Major congrats hon! But once you get 1 MIB many more will follow! I've bought 40 this past year! :shock: I used ta rip mine open within seconds too, but the trick is to only buy the ones you have mint out of box already so you'll be going "I don't need 2 loose ones, this one can stay in the box;)"
oh too late wysteria - I've already started buying more! hee hee! And yes the double-up policy works well :) I've already had Brilliant Blossoms loose, so now I want her MIB!

of course the second MIB I just bought was ANOTHER brilliant blossoms in an english box! Now I'm after all the merry go rounds and MOC ponies galore, hee hee!
lol Love the little word bubbles! Beautiful MIB pony, congratulations. (^^)
