My Little Gargoyle


Mar 18, 2013
Sometimes I come across hilarious things like this:


My Little Pony Friendship is Magic combined with the cartoon Gargoyles.

The internet never ceases to amuse. :LOL:
If you meant to post a picture (which I assume you did), it's not showing up.

I'll add my favorite FiM spoof to the mix:
And here I thought this was going to be about those old Castle Keeps Gargoyles toys from the 80s.

Ah, still the picture is pretty good.
If you meant to post a picture (which I assume you did), it's not showing up.

I'll add my favorite FiM spoof to the mix:

That's so strange! When I previewed the post and then checked it after I posted it (I have a tendency to over-do things) it appeared just fine. I wonder why it came across as a broken image after?

I have only watched a couple episodes of Dr. Who, but I think that picture is hilarious! :LOL:
Dug through this page's HTML to come up with the image url:

Despite it being a .jpg, it's not hosted as an image on the server, but as a full page over on Fanpop's site. The site is pretty gross and doesn't allow hotlinking (which was what OP was trying to do).

Here's the image at the proper source (the artist page): my little gargoyle by `briannacherrygarcia on deviantART

Thank you for the assist! I was just googling pony pics for drawing ideas and references when I came across it and just wanted to post it. It worked when I first posted it (I clicked to check the thread after I started it), bizarre that I would see it and that it would be broken later.

Thanks again though!
I was a HUGE DBZ fan as a teenager (insert loling here). That was AH-mazing.

And yes, Gargoyles was a great cartoon!!!!
I would so watch all of these! Especially Gargoyles!!! :LOL: