My Little pony themed fashioned and lifestyle blog


MLPTP Supporter
Apr 9, 2012
So I started up a blog a few weeks ago, but I've been a bit shy about sharing the link here.

all the pretty ponies

So this is basically what it's about, as written on my "About" page:

"I set up this blog as a way of taking my lifelong love of My Little Pony toys and translate it into my current lifestyle by profiling each of the ponies in my personal herd, styling outfits based on their appearance and personality and undertaking activities in my everyday life inspired by these diminutive equines.

Why? To paraphrase the webcomic XKCD - Because I am the grown-up now, and it’s my turn to decide what that means."

Let me know what you think. I'm always open to feedback, though I would ask that you try to be as polite as possible.
This is seriously a great blog. I've only browsed through quickly so far and it's really interesting! I love how you brought your pony with you to so many places on your vacation - that's a Pony Mommy at her very best!!

I'll be sure to start following you! Keep up the great work!!
That's a wonderful blog :) I love to see travelling ponies, and it's fab to see how you've fitted ponies into your normal life!
Awesome blog! Definitely loving the outfits. You seem to capture them perfectly.
Thanks for the kind comments, everyone!

It's early days yet, so I haven't really gotten into a steady rhythm with posting yet. I'm hoping that within a couple of months I'll be able to start posting on a more regular basis and on specific days.

Also, I'm hoping to add interviews with Pony fans and collectors as a regular feature to my blog, so if you think you would be interested in being interviewed drop me a line any time!