Name this puppy contest!

How will we ever be able to pick?
He will feel all famous!

I had to.
Bwahaha! I can't tell you how I laughed seeing this! I is stealing this right now!
My daughter and I were starring at the adorable pics! He is So cute!!!! Congrats on your new baby! :)
here are a few name suggestions!
- Morgan (a name from the Serendipity books we love)
- Shadow (because he will be YOUR little shadow, I am sure!)
- Orion (stars- he already is one!);)
Those are cute

I know! Even if I don't use them on him, I'm going to keep a list of these for future animals that come to the sanctuary. They're all really adorable.

My daughter and I were starring at the adorable pics! He is So cute!!!! Congrats on your new baby! :)
here are a few name suggestions!
- Morgan (a name from the Serendipity books we love)
- Shadow (because he will be YOUR little shadow, I am sure!)
- Orion (stars- he already is one!);)

I LOVE the Serendipity books, and Morgan is one of my favourites of all times. Gosh I wish they were easier to find.

He looks like he could be called Pickle :)

Lol! When my animals (or son) are doing things I dislike, I let them know they are "Stinky Pickles". Why this became my insult I dunno. It'd be a really cute name.
He is so adorable :ponylove::ponylove:

I am so bad giving names to pet but let's try...^^
- Snoozy
- Tonton
- Ranma ;D
- Houdini
- Rolf
- Oscar
- Leo
I can't get over how cute he is! squuuuueeeeee <3
Tickletime McThomerson
"Pancho LePoofy" is pretty boss. It would be an excellent name for a Perfume Puff male. Plus, they used to call me "Pancha" at the restaurant I worked at in college. My friend Alberto was "Pancho". Our co-workers all wanted us to get married. I wondered whatever came of him.
And some others!

- Chiaroscuro (An artwork style in which only black and white are used. You could call him Chia for short.)
- Spike
- Tex
- Kingsley
- Lucky
- Stormy
- Herriot (James Herriot, vet and author)