need help to save argie baby butterscotch f/ cancer. please!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 21, 2005
Hi guys, i have a bunch of ponies from argentina that just arrived and found that my baby butterscotch has dark blue spots all over her right side. I checked the website with cancer information on ponies at

but I'm not sure if what she has is one of them. the closest one i can see that looks like it was the second pony cancer. i did check her inside and it's pretty clean. should i still boil them in water with oxy clean? I'm still a little confused at the procedure but do i remove their heads and boil the heads too along with the bodies with water and oxyclean? Also will their hair dry up if i just boil them in hot water without oxyclean? Do i need to add oxyclean to stop and prevent the spread of this cancer? thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!


the whole argie herd without butterscotch:

Hi there,

OMG... when I saw that pic my hand flew to my mouth and I gasped.

I have no idea what that is... I don't think it's cancer. Dirt maybe? Maybe ink..? (ink!? :shock: )

Eeeep I really hope you get that resolved soon, hon. :cry:

EDIT: Then again, maybe it is cancer considering the plastic is probably different make because it's a foreign. I had a US Baby Tiddley winks that was a bunch of black stuff on her... I think it was somewhat like smooze mould. I scraped it off with my fingernail and with some toothpaste and only a tiny patch behind her right ear remains. However, if the stuff you're looking at is like the "center dot" mould, then there is no cure whatsoever. :cry:

-- Yuixe
Well since she's yellow, try Remove-zit. If you dont have any, and if you're very brave, you can send her to me and I'll try it on her. I had a muncy with AGE SPOTS, the kind that nothing removes, ya know? Shockingly, it took them right off! Remove-zit works BEST best on yellow ponies. I also had a Masquerade with a humongous hickey on her neck (pindot mold) and its 100% gone now. But no matter what, yes, boil her (not too long though! Made Lemondrop permanately squishy). If its cancer, it spreads like wildfire.

thanks guys! it does look a little bit like faded black ink. i will try remove zit and boil her and see what happens. i don't want to loose her, :( . oh yeah how long do i boil her though cause the website above said 10 to 15 minutes which now i'm hearing from people is too long and i should boil only for a few seconds. so i'm confused, lolz. oh and the thing that puzzles me the most is that her inside is so clean. i was expecting it to be dirty, but then again the seller probably cleaned her.

oh yeah so just boil her for a minute or two with just water? no oxyclean or bleach?
Okay, here's my suggestions. First, take off her head and completely submerge her in a water & bleach mixture. I actually leave ponies in for an hour or two. Sometimes it will lighten mold stains - mostly, it will just kill the mold and stop it from spreading.

Second shot: boil water. Put the boiling water into another pan, so you're not working with a pan that's already hot. Put in a scoop of oxyclean (sloooowly, it will fizz a lot.) Then submerge your pony, carefully. Five minutes will not hurt her, and if your pan isn't hot she won't burn/melt.
TAKE THE HEAD OFF. Do not put your pony in hot water with the head on. Apparently it makes them implode. X3 But since it looks like there might be some discolouration on the head as well, put that in as well.

Try that first and see how it goes, and then we can go from there. =>

thanks beanie! will their colors (especially the hair and tail) fade with bleach or oxyclean? which one is the safest one to use to prevent any damage to the body and hair color and texture?
The bleach may dry out her hair slightly. I've never had problems with it but other people have said as much. In fact I've soaked frizzy ponies in bleach water and had their hair come OUT in better condition than it went in, heh!

Their colours will be absolutely fine with either product. =>
In the second pic, your Argentinean Minty is wearing a saddle. I just wanted to let you know, that a saddle can make discolorations on the body. I have often seen this.

that doesn't look like cancer, it probably won't spread. If you want to boil the ponies body seperatley then make sure you keep them in the water the same amount of time otherwise the head hole may shrink.

yes, i'm still trying to decide whether to boil or not,lolz. i'll probably just keep her aside and just give the others a good cleaning. It does look like it's from markers that just bled. if it is cancer she was in the same bag with the green baby above (baby confetti?) and b. confetti doesn't have any of it but i thought cancer spread quickly? They were in the same plastic bag for like about a week and maybe even more when they were at the seller.
cancer spreads quickly... like.. if you leave two ponies touching for a year and one has cancer the other pony might get it. lol thats about hte speed of it.

i seriously doubt that baby butterscotch has cancer. if you want to kill it throw her in a pot of boiling bater (head attached) for no more than 2 min.

she'll be disinfected so if what ever she has is contageous it won't spread.
as for teh rest of them i think the once over with nail polish remover should do the trick :)

thank you all for the advices! I really appreciate it. I will start cleaning them up now, i'll probably wait later to boil butterscotch. I'll just give the others a good bath and cleaning with acetone.

Oh yeah one last question, if i put them each in separate display cases (the beanie baby cases) will the cancer still spread? thanks!
Hi there,

:idea: :idea: :idea:

Hey! I just thought of something. Unfortunately, not a cure. :( But I thought of what the marks might be.

Is the pony in played-with condition? If so, and if the marks are black, and if it's not removable....

Tire marks.

I know it sounds silly, but I remember one time I had been playing with a pony by our motorhome, and it had a spare tire on the back of it. I set the pony down on the tire, and when I picked her up she had black marks just like those on her feet. They didn't come off. Ever. It was a black smudge from the tire!

Of course, I could be wrong! I'm not saying that this is what happened for sure. But maybe the pony rubbed up against a tire when a kid was playing with it, and that could be a result.

Just a theory! Don't hurt me! *dodges fakies being thrown at head and runs offstage*

-- Yuixe

Poor pony!

Before anything, try Mr Clean Magic Eraser. That thing has done wonders to my ponies!
This is off topic, but who is that little green pony next to Minty and baby Cotton Candy? the one on the bottom row