New G1 merchandise at Spencer's

Oh gosh, the shot glasses would be perfect for the MLP party my friend's throwing next month! Her boyfriend's going to a bachelor party, so we girls are gonna pony it up with themed drinks!
Rock-on! Excellent! MLP know it..
I cringe at the thought of going into Spencer's, but it happens to be I really could use a travel cup like that...and a pony one would be even better. xD

I got the lanyard back in...February. :3
I must get the lanyard!
I got the cup and both shot glasses for my birthday. They are really cute. I can't wait for a chance to use them.:smilepony:
It's time for a trip to Spencer's! Finally some G1 stuff! Yay!
Those cups are awesome! now I need to make a trip to spencers....