New hairdo for SS Angel....


Sailor Neptune Pony
Sep 25, 2005
I got two pnoies from Whippetluv that were from my "ponies I want badly but not quite badly enough to call grails" List.... SS Angel and Bright Eyes. Both are gorgeous... but SS Angel needed new hair. I was taking apart a Petal Blossom.... and well....


Cute combo, don't you think? Oh and not forgetting Bright Eyes too -


I'm so happy to finally have these two! :wink:
I adore what you did with that pooor angel! She had an inch of tail and NO Mane to speak of...and this color combo is fun for her. She looks wonderful.

And brighteyes cleaned up sooo well! You were a great trade partner!
wow.. that actually looks really cool. I wonder what she would look like if her hair was the color of her eyes/spots near her symbol?
I am so silly I couldn't work out what was different at first, doh.

She looks really good like that, you did a really good job. Its a lovely colour combo, she could be Cranberry Muffins long lost sister, lol.


Snow Castle xxx
oh you lucky thing, you! I have been wanting Brigth Eyes since Piper showed me her daughter's. :p
Wow, Angel looks fabulous with her new hair! So natural :)
Isn't Bright Eyes just stunning in real life? ^,^