"New Wal-Mart t-shirt angers Bronies"

I know right?? Where's all this 'Love and Tolerance' they keep spewing about? Looks like they're being a bunch of butthurts... /)_=

Ha ha, too true!

I wonder if, by buying all of the shirts up, we'll make Walmart think their ploy worked ... and make MORE G1 Brony shirts?! :lol:
I still think someone like We Love Fine should make a t-shirt with a pony from G1, G2, and G3 with the caption: Brony before brony was cool. I'd buy one in a heartbeat.
So ive gone to 4 Wal-marts in my area and have not found this shirt. :(

I know its found in the Juniors section, and I need a XXL soooo.... if ANYONE finds it PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep me in mind.
There seems to be quite a lot of misinformation in this thread and article...
#1 being Bronies live by love and tolerance...they don't. That's a stereotype imposed on them maliciously by brony-haters and trolls.
#2 No one was really angry about the shirt, when I heard about this most people were just sending them harmless emails explaining to them the blunder (with only a few honestly believing the store to be trolling). Due to all of the emails, Walmart believed Bronies to be outraged but not many really cared.
#3 Someone mentioned a comment said on EQD, I read that comment...if I remember correctly it was a joke clearly misinterpreted by whatever article it came from...

I hope no one takes this as rude..just wanted to point out some things.
Wow, so mis-information and over-reactions abound?

I do agree though that such a shirt could portray the message of tolerance among generations. They could have included g2's, g3's, and g3.5's to prove a stronger point... lol!

Of course, whenever confronted about generations, I use all of them indiscriminantly for customizing. Every single mlp base out there (no matter how fakie the fake) has a purpose where a certain design/concept wouldn't be done justice without.

So Wal*Mart has made themselves as epic as Derpy with unintentional goof-ups.

It's incredibly lame, yet all the rage at the same time! :elespin: