


Heya! I just wanted to know if anyone can help me out... if you look at my avatar, you will see a blinkie... I have 5 different ones of them & I just wondered if anyone could put them altogether for me, so that I can have all of the images flashing though one blinkie... oh & if you can slow them down too, that would be perfect!! Can anyone help me please? :oops:
I'm sorry, I don't have an animation program anymore or I would do it for you. Maybe someone else who has one would be kind enough to do it? Come on you guys, it's not that hard! ;)
Thank you for the offer Teddy! It's the thought that counts! *hug* :D
Can anyone listen to Teddy's kind words & help me out with this please? :wink:
My ImageReady went bust last week, and I have not been able to reinstall :( I'm so sorry.
I can make them change, and slowly, but I have no idea how to make them fade into each other... the program I have switches abruptly.
But, if you'd like them that way, feel free to email them all to me: