ok so i am sure this gets asked all the time but...


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Nov 6, 2005
how do you get your own personal pony?

This may be a very daft question but technology and me dont mix too well so i had never really looked into it before!

I have seen lots of people on here asking for somebody to make them a persona - which can i just stress i am not doing here! - i was just curious how to go about it? How do you all think up such cute ponies? how do you get them made? and ohhh those little cute blinkie thingys - is there some way i can make my own??

ok - im rambling now lol i just feel naked and ugly without my own ickle pony.... lol :tongue:
ok so ive been looking around trying to find out how to go about this but am i right in thinking i need paint shop pro to be able to do anything??? :scratch:
if so , is it expensive to buy?
it took me forever to think up my persona. most people start with something they really like - in my case, raspberries. i made a pony in raspberry colors, and realized that it also matches the uniform colors in my favorite anime, azumanga daioh. it also happens that the ending theme for azumanga daioh is called "raspberry heaven." so i used an image from the anime, a stuffed toy called "nekokoneko", for the symbol, named the pony "raspberry heaven" and i was done. i had a pony that represented my love for anime AND my love for raspberries. ^__^
I dont have my pony persona shown in my avatar or siggy but my pony is a baby, who is a clown called Syrus. Ive always been a bit fond of clowns but I wanted to think of a name that wasn't typically a clown name (like bobo or something) so I thought of a more evil name, hence Syrus.

Personas are a great way of expressing likes and dislikes etc as Diet said. Plenty of people on here are very gifted at making blinkies, personas etc so Im sure someone will be able to help you ;)

I myself am probably worse an technology than yourself and the only thing I can make is a scribbly doodle on MS Paint! lol
I would be happy to make still pony pics (like my siggie) for you both...but I can't make the blinking ones.
really whipppetluv? you would make me a pony? wow thats so sweet of you! i didnt expect anyone to actually make one for me! *big pony hugs*
what sort of info do you need from me to make one?

squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im all excited now lol
my 4 year old daughter would love your siggy - her favourite pony is my old beaten up Galaxy - she even got a henna tattoo of galaxys symbol at the mlp convention in manchester last weekend lol :D
I'd start with Hasboro's lineart (which you can get almost anywhere), and then write a list of your favorite animal, flower, mythological critter, food, or other objects. Then pick your favorite colors. My persona is my favorite flower (the foxglove) with my favorite color (pastel green) plus two colors which I thought would go well with it!
I only recently discovered/developed my pony persona. Someone special started to call me 'his lightning' (because of a poem I once wrote) and when I was going to visit him, he said he had to clean up because he was going to get a very important guest. When I asked him who that could be, he said "Princess Lightning". That sounded like a pony name and my persona was born. She's blue (my favourite colour) with brown eyes (like my own) white and yellow hair and a probably glittery bolt of lightning for her symbol. In true G3 style, she also has a small lightning bolt on her hoof and a tiny one in her eye.

Erm.. long story to say that personas sometimes just happen :)

Here she is, made with ms paint, using Hasbro's line art.
And feel free to create a few. I have a total of three characters at the moment, each representing something I like, with Silvered being the main one I identify with. She's also actually the second persona I've had, when I first started in the pony community, I was Baby Cloudy Head, a baby blue earth pony. Wow that was a long time ago.

Just have fun with it!
And personas don't have to be complicated either...I mean look at mine, she's a pink peg/earth pony with a white feather for a symbol. Nothing more, nothing less :)

I'd love to see or hear about your design when your done. :wink:
Mine was created playing around with ponymakers. I finally just made a black pony, then added a gold and silver stripe, and she was perfect :) It did make me about a month to finally figure one out.
just note me

just note me to work out me making you a siggie! :)
Ok, another question...do we have to have a website to host the pic or can we upload them to the tp? And if we have moving icons..same question :D
