Piña Voladora, the vampire pony drawing


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 25, 2005
She's Piña Voladora a vampire pony :wink: Her symbol is a bat pinneapple, and her batlike wings are semi transparent http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/38663884/

You can see a preview of the custom here http://www.mlparena.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=79865.html

I wanted to do a tropical Vampire pony, I remebered the enemy plants that appear in hyrule field in Zelda ocarina of time, my sister named them "Piña Voladora" they make a lot of showoff but they are not dangerius, in fact I love to pest them I hit them whit the sword and ran :lol:

Other fact is that one day me and my family where in a mall eating and someone trow a pinneapple and past near me, :lol: it was that it fell from the fruits shakes stand behind me, LOL!!
