Pony drawing game! *NEW GAME UP*

Light pink inside her ears with dark veins popping out in them sort of I guess, not ugly and evil, but more like her parents were. Maybe heretical veins visible on other parts of her body too with some visible skin (??) in her nostrils or wherever else her skin might show
ugly blue color! eta changed my mind since the background is blue already...YELLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...ok NM too much yellow already...how about a light green covered in red spots like chicken pox
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have the hooves fade out to a purple blue.
hhehe i think i walked in on this game a few days too late, but this is awesome!! You are too cute CC!
Hahahahaa!! That's awesome!! I can't wait to see her finished! xD
awesome!!! I totally LOVE it!
I stand by what i said before, she could be great as a custom!!!! :)
**thinks of pm some who is a custom expert!!!!**

LOL it's so perfect CC! Ah man that is too funny...you know we're gonna make you do this more often!
That is super sweet, CC. I'm pretty excited. I love the octopus with the top hat! I think the hot dog hair is my favorite part.
I think her attitude is what I like best! She was eating on an outcropping overlooking the water when suddenly she was shot! The pain from the bullet wound was so intense that it caused her to regurgitate and aspirate on some of her spaghetti. Knocking her tray of pickles over the ledge and into the water, she struggled a bit and began to cry as she made her way to the water, hoping to give it some relief and maybe clean the wound (judging by the blood splatter pattern). The toaster and the toast angrily chased off her assailant just as the ice cube SWAT team came to her rescue, lead by Sergeant Watermelon. The assailant jumped into his escape vehicle, a flying saucer, and fled the scene. A performing octopus saw that she was crying, and tried to lift her spirits with a song and a dance, and a frog came too to give her some friendly sympathy. Finally, she began to smile.
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ahahahahah! *dies laughing* this is so awesome!