pony hair


Giftbox Giver!
Oct 30, 2009
So I'm going to start working on a custom soon, and realized the craft stores here had NO doll hair that was anywhere near pony quality or color. The closest I could find refuses to dye at all! :\ So what's the best stuff to use, and where do I find it?
This is where many people get their hair from :


You can also use old pony hair clippings. I know people go to the dollar store or those accessory stores in the malls to get brightly colored hair (the choices usually aren't that great though).
dollyhair is by far the best. mane/tail clippings are great too is tou don't want SLH manes. the $store headbands don't style that well, and are prone to staying bent but they work. i've found beuty supply store clip in streaks don't style well too. i still am all for DH and recycling mane clippings ^^

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
dollyhair is pretty much the standard but I've been hearing nothing but good things about restoredolls's new nylon hair, though I have not tried it yet myself. Custompony is fine in a pinch too, but you have to be prepared to wait weeks and weeks and WEEKS for the order to come in, if it ever does.