Porcelain ponies?



Is there a web site on them? I'm looking for pics,ID's prices etc.....
I can help you out with pricing. Is there a particular one you want a range for?
thanks for the link....I don't have one in particular. I was just curious about the price ranges. I'd love to get them all! Some are quite pricy arent they?
You can also find some info about the porcelain ponies on Dream Valley:


I have seen some go for 100 dollars, I think it was Frolic in the Sky or Enchanted Kingdom .. but the singel figurines mostly go for 20-40 dollars or so? Am I right?

But if your're lucky you might find a great BIN price :)

I don't collect them, but I always see really great BIN's and deals when "porcelain" is misspelled. You also may want to try "ceramic". :) Here's also a great site: http://www.thetravelingtroll.com/mlp/G1/g1porc.html

As far as pricing, there's not really a set range actually. They vary so much, but generally the bigger the display piece is, the more expensive it will be (with First Born is the cheapest and easiest to find). Original boxes and tags will boost up the price.