G1 Rapunzel for sale or trade!!!

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Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 1, 2016
I do think I owe you guys an explaination.

After hunting for a Rapunzel almost daily for months on end, I finally obtained one with help of a friend. But as many of you know I'm quite picky when it comes to my Ponies. Especially the super expensive ones. Rapunzel is my dream Pony and therefor I would like her to be perfect.

After obtaining her and doing her hair I noticed that her mane was slightly uneven and her braid appeared to have had a slight trim. Ofcourse this was not what I expected nor wanted. And me being a new Rapunzel owner, never knew what she was supposed to look like in person (pony)
. But after googling around and the opinion of some members. It was confirmed that her braid is indeed supposed to be a little longer.

I would like to sell my Rapunzel in order to obtain one that has no mane or braid trims. I obviously can't afford another one before selling this one.

I am also open to trade her for another Rapunzel with a good mane and it's only fair that we would have to discuss an extra amount of money on top of that to make up for the mane trim.

I paid 800 dollar flat for her + 191 euro because of custom fees. So I would like to sell her for the same amount. So she's up for sale for 800 dollar or 715 euro. I ship world wide.

I will post some pictures below so you can have a good look at her. She's very beautiful and stunning on display.


She's up on Ebay on BiN! http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-5...0001&campid=5337556153&icep_item=322209924294
Read the discription for a more detailed view of her.

I would ofcourse prefer selling her here to avoid having to pay Ebay fees. Please PM me if you're interested in buying her or a possible trade like I mentioned.
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