Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!



Rapunzel is from Caliesto, who's a complete sweetie :). My mom won her on Ebay for me, and I THOUGHT it was going to be a wedding present, but Mom gave it to me yesterday. I guess it was supposed to be a birthday/Xmas present but she gave it to me early because she had to give my sis' present to her early because of a warrantee or something. But anyways, without further ado:


Rapunzel is modeling on the coolest shelf EVAH! I know there was some interest in the shelf after my post yesterday :). It's a princess tower and I think it's just perfect for Rapunzel. $5.00!

Congrats! She is so gorgeous. :D

Where did you find that shelf? It's super cute too!
That is the perfect way to display a Rapunzel, she looks beautiful!
Woooooooooooooow you are so lucky! One of these days I will get her.. one of these days... I agree, that shelf is perfect for her.
Oh wow. O_O She's very pretty! That was soooo nice of your mom! :D Big congrats! 8)
Cool! Can you show us more of the shelf?? :D
wish my mother would buy a a rapunzel..instead she stole my financial aid refud *grr*

if i ever have a meet again *aiming for garage sale weekend in oct*, is she gonna be there? :p
Ruby! Look at her! She looks great up on that shelf! So much better than the shoe box I had her in :( I'm so glad you are happy with her :) Your mom was awesome to deal with, very understanding (Considering that was only my second ebay auction!!)

...now that I've seen her again, and finished my first custom, I think you've inspired me on the next custom I'll have to do!! :D
wish my mother would buy a a rapunzel..instead she stole my financial aid refud *grr*

Ouch! And oh yes, if/WHEN you have a meet, Rapunzel will be more than glad to visit :).

Cali, can't wait to see your custom! Also, I'm so glad you and my MOm could work it out :). *hugs* You really have been great!

Moonshard, I do have a better pic of the shelf but unfortunately, I can't access my photobucket album from work. Weird. Anyways, I will post a better pic on Thurs :).

BabySugarApple, I found the shelf at a rummage sale. They were originally sold at The Christmas Tree shops, and at the time, I bought one pink one from there. I wanted the blue one later, but my sis "forgot" to go get one for me in Burlington while they were still in stock. I found this one about a year later for $5.00 at a sale. Whoop! :)

Thanks for the comments guys! I'm very excited. I never thought my Mom would spring for something like this, but she's funny that way I guess lol. Thanks Mom!

Oh well done Rube! She is so beautiful.
BabySugarApple, I found the shelf at a rummage sale. They were originally sold at The Christmas Tree shops, and at the time, I bought one pink one from there. I wanted the blue one later, but my sis "forgot" to go get one for me in Burlington while they were still in stock. I found this one about a year later for $5.00 at a sale. Whoop!

Lucky! It really is too cute! And Punzie's not too shabby either, lol.
You know, my Mom always cringes when I buy ponies saying "You spent HOW much??!"... sometimes they surprise you though lol. Your Mom could have a change of heart :).

Holy crap Ruby, thats insane that your mother bought that for you. My mother always has a fit when i buy ponies, let alone, action figures, she pretty much wishes that i can spend that money to good use, like clothes and such LOL But wow,congrats to you Ruby! oh, and btw, in case you remember, but SS Paradise is doing just fine :D
That shelf it freaking awesome! Where did you get it?
Haha Legeeta, I'm glad SS Paradise is happy :). I knew she would be with you ;). Honestly, I think my Mom had a case of temporary insanity when she bid lol.

Moonshard, they sold that shelf at The Christmas Tree Shops for a while, but this one popped up later at a rummage sale. They had these two, one in pink, one in blue, and also a full casle shelf - which basically was two of these but with a shelf that went between the two. Pretty neat! Which I nabbed one of those ><.
