

Earl Gray Pony
Oct 18, 2006
Ok, I have a little pic, and I wondered if this is regrind? or something else, and if I can remove it?


Extra points if you can name the pony ;)
Moondancer? :p Looks like mold, actually. Not pony cancer though. I think there are ways to remove it but I can't think of them at the moment. Boiling will kill the mold and keep it from spreading.
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Definitely not regrind. Regrind occurs in splotches, not dots, and can only lose color, not gain it. Looks like mold to me too, or maybe an old ink spot if you're lucky. I'd give her a double bleaching -- a couple swabs with the liquid kind to kill any mold, if present, and then the UV baked potato kind to fade the appearance of the dot. Boiling would work to kill the mold too, but her neon-colored hair might bleed, so keep it out of the pot if you go that route.
Oxy Clean also is great for mold. Clorox makes their own version, which works quite well. To avoid saturating the inside of (Moondancer?) put the oxy clean with very very hot water into a cup so just her leg is submerged.

If it is ink, try rubbing a white art eraser over it. It also does an amazing job at removing surface dirt with out chemicals.
Ok sounds good to me, well im gunna ahve to be carful, as its, Mimic.... A very nice gift I got this week to my total suprice!

I will give getting it a go out, would i just have to immerce her in boiling water for a while, or just a few seconds?

I wanna go really careful as appart from the spot she is minty.
If you do go the boiling water route, please do be careful and only put the spotted hoof in the water if you can. Like I mentioned before, some brightly colored hair is known to bleed in boiling water, and I've also heard that boiling water can damage or remove the iridescent coating on her eyes. I would hate for you to ruin your otherwise minty pony. Also, be advised that boiling will not remove the spot, it will just keep it from growing if it is actually mold. You'll still have to do damage control on the discoloration itself.

My advice if you want to boil her is to 1. pin her tail up out of the way, 2. get a good grip on her with a pair of tongs, 3. submerge the hoof in the water for about five minutes (if you live around sea level, longer for higher elevations). The only drawback with this method is that if the spot is, in fact, living mold, then its spores and/or hyphae have probably already permeated the pony entirely, and so the mold may rear its ugly head again if climate conditions are favorable to it. (So I guess Step 4 would be to keep her in a dry environment away from heat, but that's pretty much standard care for ponies.) Let's hope it's just ink, eh? ;)
Well i have boiled her up - but now im clueless what to do - theres no more coming up, but the colours not gone from the spot....