Sailor Moon Customs Swap - Round 2 ~ CLOSED - July 2009

Now I just need to get some updates from Bubbles, Willow, and Bella Luna like you're posting for us tu. :)

*goes off to track those 3 down and corral them back this way
All that's left now, is her hair needs to be styled. Will be shipping sometime this week.
I will take photos before I ship her off.
I will pm you and Bubbles with a tracking number, when I get it. :D
Thanks for the update.

You guys are making me go gray with tardiness! But I knew you guys would come thru and I thank you very much for it. None of you have let me down. :)
Er, the styling is being more difficult than I thought. >_> I am so not happy with how her bangs are turning out. I'll try my best to have her sent out no later than Friday.
Take the curling iron and play with the bangs a bit. Instead of using the curling part, use the outside of the curling iron to help flatten the bangs more to the head. The way I normally do them is I curl them first and work on straightening them a bit too. Then I'll take the curling iron down near the plug hole, using the outside of the tool, and just sit it down a bit on the hair to help heat it up and train it to lay flatter. Hope this helps and will give you more of an idea with the bangs. :)
I don't own a curling iron... >_> I have naturally curly hair. xD She's setting on straws for the day. I'll take them out tonight and hope for the best.:2011:
I'm cleaning house this morning. She is almost done, i just need to paint glue and ship. :D

*goes around calling for bubbles to check in
I'm done...! The glue holding her together is drying as I type. All that's left is a good over night dry and pictures in the morning. I'm gonna try to send her before the post closes, but since it's Saturday (and 5am right now) I might not make it there before 3pm. >_>; *ahem* So yea, it's currently 5am Saturday morning for me... Sleep now... Kay?

*falls over*

yay! You finished!

I got an update from Bella Luna for you too, she's 98%-99% finished with your replacement from Round 1 and almost done with her partner's LyricalStar. So both of you guys keep your eyes on the post for something to arrive soon.

Bubbles & Willow. How are you guys coming? Everything ok, just life getting in the way? :)
I picked her up today libra, to put the wings on, and her whole dress, (at the hips) has come unsealed, so i've actually got to scrap it and do it over again. >.< Monday I've got to get more clay, and i'll have it finished by friday. :) That is the plan anyways. Libra I'm going to get Lyicals out monday, and yours out possibly tuesday or wednesday, i have to find the head. -face palms x2-
found the head :) and was able to fix the pony for ten. :) I'm going to take pics later and post them.
*hangs head and waits for her scolding*

I'm so sorry for making you worry, SL. My biggest time constraint has been driving around Germany trying to find materials to meet my needs.

So, I'm still working. That oh-so-lovely sealer I found turned out to be super sticky! So I've been searching, still... but I think I'm going to have to seal her with Modge Podge to finish her, as much as I hate to do it. I don't want her sticky! Thank goodness her whole body doesn't need sealing!

All I've got left is to finish rehairing and finish the dress (that has now been restarted twice due to rips... chiffon sucks!!!). The hair is blended, but I broke the first needle and the replacement needle (and my wooden reroot tool! ;_; ... thank God I also bought a metal one from Dollyhair) ... and finally found a little sewing shop in Kaiserslautern, that I can't pronounce the name of, that actually carried tapestry needles! And luck beyond luck, the BX carried metal files! So I am back to punching plugs into her head.

This custom has just been so frustrating, but I'm not giving up and in all actuality, I think she's shaping up pretty nice. I WILL finish this girl, and I hope Willow will be pleased.

SL, you took a big risk, this being my first custom and all, and I'm sorry I let you down on the deadlines. I've learned an awful lot, and have such a respect for you and anyone else who make these customs regularly. I think after I'm done with this one, that I'm gonna take a big hiatus from swaps and learn to get much better (and faster!) before I jump in on another one.

Willow, and SL, thank you so much for your patience with me.
Yay, bubbles has appeared!

You've been great with communication and keeping in touch with us. :) And those preview pics, willow is going to be a lucky girl. That custom is shaping up to be gorgeous and you so need to share some pics. I've got a customs idea for you to do later on too, I'll send you the pm about it.

It's ok about the deadlines, I had already figured some would be behind. If you need supplies, let me know. I don't mind going to get you some and ship them out.

It's ok about your speed. I'm slow too. It takes me roughly like a month to 3 months to do just 1 custom. Depends on my mood and how busy I am. The most important thing is, are you having fun? As long as you are having fun, it's worth it. :)
That's great news! *pokes tu Um, care to share some photos? :D

Now all that needs to ship are:
- Skeen
- Willow
- Bubbles
- Bella Luna
I got my Pluto!!

TU, thank you so much! I love her cloth fuku and her little earrings! And the candy you sent was almost stolen by my husband (he loves that kind, believe it or not, and used to buy it when we lived in Australia) but I managed to snag it back and hide it - MINE! I am intrigued by the fruit punch looking one.

What color of hair did you use? Is that "Deep Sea" or something from dollyhair? I'd been meaning to try that out but hadn't bought any yet - it's gorgeous! And silky!

Do you have pics of her to post or do you need me to take some? I can get shots of her with her buddy Wicked Lady. :)

I'll get Wicked Lady out to you sometime this week. Pluto came too late in the day for me to ship her yesterday, but WL is all packed up and ready to go. ;)