Saved from the trash bin (heavy pic)

it makes me really happy to see that kids still do silly fun imaginative stuff like this for 'playtime,' instead of just playing videogames or whatever the stereotype is. ^_~
Great find and your son will probably get great use out of it...haha!
Thank you all so much for the compliments on the picture and my boy. Yes, he is a terribly good sport and he just started customizing ponies! (Of his own accord, I promise!)

As for throwing the castle away, I still can't believe that!! It is so nice! To me anything that is still of some use to somebody shouldn't be thrown away ever. When I have yard sales and clear out the house of items I no longer use I take them to goodwill or such. It's a little extra effort but you never know someone may be looking for that item. I guess since she thought the hinges were broke that no one would want it. Thanks again for all the nice comments!! Hugs for the TP!!:eek:k: