*Screams* OMG OMG!! My find of the decade!

Ms Twilight

Singing Sea Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Jun 8, 2005
I went to the flea market super late today. I was expecting hardly anyone to be still set up because it was about 2 pm. But there were a few people left and on one table I found these for $1 each!! Brace yourself......


The MO Mommy and baby set!


I got 8 ponies total at first, a drink and wet baby, Confetti, a SHS, FF Butterscotch, mommy, baby, a rainbow hair, and the new style Firefly. The woman said whe swore that she brought 9 ponies with her and didn't want me to leave without the last one. She dug and dug and found a sipping pony and she gave it to me for free! It was an awesome day! I never thought I'd actually find the mommy/baby set at the flea market! So, to everyone out there, just keep looking, don't give up! There are still ponies to be found! :)
OH..........MY..........GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *feints*

We have only one flea market around here and I think it's already open for the summer. I think I will be making a trip up this weekend!!! :D *rubs Twilight for luck* That always seems to help me out!! I am SO very excited for you. And those CURLS!!! *SQUEEEE* I bet you've been smiling all day. :D :D

BIG CONGRATS TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
That is an incredible find! Major congrats, they look just lovely. :)
omg that is incredible! Congrats that is an outstanding find!!!! *big smiles for you* hehe
WOW! WOW! WOW! You go girl! Did you already have them or was this a true just for you treasure!?!
OMG :shock: OMG :shock: OMG :shock:

Congrats!!! You are sooooo lucky!! I'd LOSE it if I found them for $1! Good for you!!

HOly cow. That is such a rare find. I mean finding one of them would of been exciting. But finding the set is unheard of. I use to own that mommy pony but sadly I traded it to someone that ended up sending me cb ponies. I was so upset that I asked for her to send my mommy pony back and keep the other ponies...and to this day she hasn't answered any of my emails. Anyway I'm so happy for you. I believe in finding rares in strange places. Like I said before some of the stores around where I live sometimes have really rare ponies. Its just getting there before anyone else does.lol :wink:
Holy freaking wow!
That's so great! I love it when you get a big surprise, I bet you certainly didn't expect to find much so late in the day.
WHOAH! That IS amazing! Go you and MAJOR congrats! My flea market is crap, it's mostly all new stuff!
check out that curl on the mommy's tail!! That's orginal, and sweet!!

Could you breathe after you found those? heheehee!

sky Rocket
You are one lucky lady! This means, of course, that you can now splurge on a couple other things. lol. Congrats!

That's sooo cool! Kinda like when I found Satin and Tux, and the guy was just ready to go so he sold them to me for $1 each! He had a bunch of ponies, which he just let me buy for $1 each, although they did have prices on them...Not right, either. Tux was $4 and there was a Peachy for $7! (They went by year, so the oldest ones were more expensive, even if they were more common/unwanted!)

That is such a neat find! The only ponies I ever find are sold by pseudo-I-Know-Everything-About-Ponies people. One lady was selling them for basically $4-$5 each, and although they were *decent* prices for the ponies in question, it's not like getting them for a buck!

Now, if only I could find my Punzie for that... :cry:
My grails!!! You got my grails at a flea market! That's wicked! I'm so glad that there are still ponies around. Congrats!