sculpting question


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Aug 15, 2011
I used sculpy clay & did my first set of wings.
I used wire mesh but they are too heavy & fall.

When I baked it, they got little brown marks where they laid on the pan while baking.

Did I bake it too long?

How can I make the wings pose up with all the weight?


I'll try to post pictures once I start thinking of paint color & hair. :)
I am fairly new to sculpting but what I have been doing to support my pieces that need it without leaving any marks on the piece is to wet a paper towel and wad it up loosely in a shape that sort of matches the piece I want to bake. Then I just put the wadded and wet paper towel on the dish and lay the piece on top of it. The wet paper towel will support it and because it is wet, it will be somewhat soft and not stick to the piece or leave any marks while it is baking but it will still give it the support it needs to keep it's shape. If you have to bake a long time due to thickness, you can re-wet the towel but there really is no need from what I have experienced. It has been working great for me.
Good luck. :)
I tried to bake the wings on my pony & she fell over :/
Still turned out okay, but not perfect. oh well, not bad for the first time, I will have to paint her & see where to go from there. : )
Can you build a support for your pony out of tin-foil or something? Kind of like scaffolding to hold her up during baking?
If you do use foil you should still cover it with wet paper towels or wet tissue because the little tiny creases in the foil will transfer onto the Sculpey and you will see it in the finished product. Good luck
Thankx for all the help! As soon as I get back home I'm going to try it again.
I want to make Guardian, an angel pony :)
Have you considered using a sculpting medium that doesn't require baking, such as apoxie sculpt?

You could also try to sculpt with less clay in the future.. thinner layers perhaps? I've never used a baking clay so I'm not sure how it works. Can you build the basic shape around the wire, bake it, and then add details, and bake again?
I already messed with air dry clay & it doesn't look nice or smooth well. If you saw my last try on the reindeer. He looks homely. I will be getting lights & working on next years christmas gifts of reindeer for all my family, so I'm using the sculpy bake clay & can't wait cuz I know it will look so much better.
I will try less at a time, problem is it was a pose on it's hind legs & the wings were so heavy. I think I could have done thinner as well. Oh well, that's why she was practice!
When I get back home & get my airbrush kit I'll post pictures.
Thankx everyone for the help!!