St. Patrick's Day Custom Swap - DONE! Leaving feedback

I finished rehairing over the weekend. All I got to do is put her head on, add a ribbon & a necklace.
She will be all ready come time for photo check in.
Starrby are you doing the ol' marker between the leg trick?
If so maybe you should boil the sucker first, make it a bit more pliable ;)
Yeah, that's what I'm doing...except I'm itching to get started, so I'm just gonna give in and save it for another time. >_<
ooh St. Patty's ponies! I'm looking forward to the finished products! :frog:
Yeesh, this swap isn't being nice to you guys XD
I'm glad everyone's pretty much got their stuff together, but let's go easy on the blood shed ok?? XD

What is it, two weeks to check in date? Man I gotta get moving @_@

hey i said i bled AFTER i was done and it was done in a non-pony accident XD;;;

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
I'm done, yay!
This is the first time I've finished a custom before the week of the ship date XD (Ok second if you count the species swap but since they're happening at the same time i'm just lumping them together, lol!)
Look out ristvak is on a roll :p
Hey I feel quite accomplished thank you very much =P
Two and a half customs in a week, whoo!
This swap is definitely not being nice to us... I was working on getting my baits head off and I stabbed myself and then I cut my finger open!! and I have only prepped the bait!
I'm not taking any responsibility for injuries D:

-hands out sesame street band-aids and neosporin-
yay for sesame street band-aids!!! well step 2 is done! I just have symbols eyes and hair left... so pretty much everything!!
The only thing good about cutting yourself with an x-acto: it heals quick :p (takes a band aid). Almost done though! I just need to get up the courage to takle a diffuculct (at least to me) symbol. But otherwise she's good to go! :)
Ugh says you! I was using an exacto like a pen once and didn't realize where the blade was... 1/2 slice into my fingertip >.< I didn't have feeling in it for a week! (This was the summer before I started customizing.)
Though you're right about one thing, I didn't do anything beyond a band aid XDD

I wish you luck tsuki!! Man I can't wait for check in day, I'm itching to see what everyone has up their sleeves!
see that is where I went wrong... couldn't find my exacto so I used a steak knife... not so happy!!!
Oh that's totally your fault then XDD

Well... at least if any scarring occurs then you'll always remember this swap -shifty eyes- lmao!
Is anyone else dying to know who has them?? I don't even care that much but not knowing is killing me.... my one fatal flaw!
Is it just me or does it feel like the 8th is taking FOREVER to get here??
Maybe it just feels that way because I get to stare at my finished custom everyday while I'm getting dressed...
Note to self for future swaps, finish early but not THIS early! (I do not have the patience to wait and ship XD)