*~Starfall for Slynx~*


Alicorn Lady
Feb 20, 2011
Starfall is my third attempt at customizing. She's my gift to Slynx, who fed my growing addiction to pony customization by sending me a G2 army of darkness, which I am slowly prepping and rebuilding. =D Starfall is Slynx's pony'sona, whom I've doodled a couple times, and which was originally customized by Darkhorse (under the name Astrid, since Slynx hadn't decided on a name at the time she commissioned Darkhorse).

My version started life as a cute little fakie, who was de-haired, de-symboled, had a horn sculpted onto her, given a FBR in Creatix and Liquitex acrylics, and some straggly holes in her butt patched up. Her symbol and eyes were done in india ink and Higgins metallic liquid acrylic inks, and she was blushed before everything was sealed with thinned Mod Podge. Her mane and tail were re-rooted with Dollyhair Starlight and Daiquiri Ice. Unfortunately, her neck plug gave me issues when I tried to put her head back on, so it had to be glued in place. Overall, though, I'm pretty pleased with how she turned out.

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what a lovely pony!
Woo hoo! Such a nice ice blue! This one lookin' divine!