TAF-style pony: Thousand Cranes (cross-posted from the Arena)

If you have her on DA or another website I just need the link (I link all photos to the customizers website so anyone who visits can see their other work). Otherwise I'll link to this post :)

I have her scheduled for September 22nd! You're lucky - this is right in the middle of PonyFest13 and my blog will be getting more traffic that normal ;)
Wow, the detail is amazing! It is really awesome!
This looks amazing! Wow...
This is absolutely stunning. I have started watching you on DA (WeavingMagic - I know, real original ;) ) and all of your customs are gorgeous.

It matters not how long it takes you to do something if it is something you love. What matters is the end result, and are you happy with it. If it is what you wanted, then everything else is icing on the cake!