The Phoenix trio


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Feb 24, 2008
Me again :biggrin:

There's so many customs I'd like to share, and I didn't quite understand how your gallery works... well mayby one day...

But these will show you my fixsation to the phoenix bird, they were made separately and they different from each other, but the theme is allways same : phoenix.
This time I just give you links, pics are, again big and resizing does them no good...

This is my earlier works, The Purple Phoenix. Also the first time with glitters! Can you tell? :eeek::

This was next one, Flames of Phoenix, a bit different :

And finally, my pride, the Raspberry Phoenix! It's a working Brush'n Grow-custom :) :

What next? A green "Leaf Phoenix"? I'm running out of colours :)
Wow, they're all so pretty in different ways. You do a great job with hair... the finished products are so slick and shiny. My favorite is your raspberry phoenix. Good job hun. :apple:
I have much love for all of them! You do great work!
They are all so beautiful! I love the forelock phoenix!
Goodness! You do some GORGEOUS work...I love the first one...
WOW! Those are all fantastic! Flames of Phoenix is my favorite. *^^* What about an oxymoron Phoenix? Something to do with fire and ice or fire and water. =) That could turn up some interesting results I think! :)
Oh my god all three are so gorgeous! I don't know if I could pick a favorite! Great job! :)
Those are awsome!! I love all three!

You know the funny thing is... just yesterday I was thinking about what I could put on my Pony Persona and I finally settled on a Phoenix... and now you have beaten me to it... :p oh well back to the drawing board!
I love the Raspberry one, the Phoenix is gorgeous!! I vote green, green, and green! (loves green) They are all cso gorgeous!
Those are fantastic. I love their hair. I think the orange one would have to be my favorite of the 3, but only because those colors are what I think of when I think Phoenix. :)