There should be a Ponypedia


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Nov 21, 2009
There's so many Wikipedias out there I am very surprised theres no Ponypedia.
And if it was community owned, it would never have a chance of being deleted after a collector lost interest.
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I can do one:)

But people should contribute.
Yea a community based pony data website I think would be pretty indestructable. I'm sure plenty of people would contribute PinkieMint, but how does one go about making one?
TiddlyWiki - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook

Something like that might work. It works like wikipedia, and I use a version of it as sort of a task manager for a project I have going on, but I have no clue how to set it up so that anyone *in the community* can add or subtract from it, much less without making it open to the rest of the cold cruel world to fiddle with and spam. And I also have no clue how to use it in a more sophisticated fashion than my own very very basic way, which would totally not be what a Pony-wiki would be.

But FWIW, there 'tis.
I found this while searching how to start a wiki... navigation

Tell me if this sounds like what would work? It sounds like a combo of what DialgaBritesMom posted above and a full Wiki.

I created one it's called Ponypedia and to be added please just give me your e-mail and you can join! It's the free account which means we will have 2GB of media space so I'd keep the images down to a minimum, for instance if youre crating a page with info on a certain pony only add 1 pic of the pony for reference.
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I did it! The wiki has such a nice layout! I'll update it and show it to you too!