There's some pretty weird G4 merch out there...

Here is some of the crazy stuff I've picked up

Wet wipes




Disposable Wash Gloves(!)


And, of course

Is it bad that I want the pony underwear? I haven't had pony panties since I was 7. xD haha, that's kind of embarrassing that I want them! I wouldn't really be able to check out with them at hot topic without's just weird to me because it's not a store you go in to buy underwear, and it's a unisex store, so it dosent have the same comfort of, say, Victoria's Secret! I'm way too shy to buy them...

I've found kids underwear at Target, but it only goes up to size 10. :(
OMG the tissues! I need to find those :D
Heh, one of my New Year's resolutions is to fit my butt into those size 10 pony panties. I bought a pack of 6 and figured someday! I fit into 14s, so 10s aren't much worse, right?