TOY REVIEW: Zecora the Zebra Exclusive Toy!




I finally got the Toys R Us/Comic Con exclusive Zecora toy, and I was so excited I decided to do a full photo shoot of her and review her in full!

The full review and photo gallery is on my blog, but here's my general thoughts on Zecora...


+It's Zecora! Considering how stingy Hasbro has been with supporting characters from the cartoon, getting Zecora at all is a huge, major victory.

+The braid in Zecora's tail is really lovely. I think Hasbro did a great job engineering Zecora's tail in order to get the braid to look so good.

+I think Hasbro did an excellent job translating Zecora's eyes and cutie mark onto the toy mold. They give this a real feel of being Zecora and not just a pony painted like her.

+Great packaging for Zecora! It makes her feel really special and not "just another release".


-For some insane reason, Hasbro decided Zecora should GLOW IN THE DARK. As a result, the plastic used for Zecora is transparent-esque, and also completely the wrong color for Zecora. It looks terrible, and I can't imagine what Hasbro was thinking with this.

-Zecora's only jewelry is painted on. Her necklace looks alright, but her bracelet only goes partially around her leg. She has no earrings of any kind, which is a huge downer since they're so integral to her design.

-The hair is too long and not quite right on Zecora.

-My Zecora has spots that are missing black paint, which looks really weird since the glow-in-the-dark plastic shows through where it shouldn't.

-Zecora's head glows in the dark a lot dimmer than her body. Looks pretty strange.

Overall, I'm very pleased to get a toy of this character, but I think Hasbro did a pretty mediocre job on the actual design of the Zecora toy. It's average, but just barely.


You can check out the full review and a ton more pics over on my blog by clicking right here.

I LOVE the fact that Zecora glows in the dark. I don't think I would have bought her otherwise. The second I bought her I took her home to try her out. Awesome! She's one of my faves now. I think she's just a really neat toy. I'd give her an A.
Wow,a TRU collector series!? I hadn't heard of this! Do we know who else will be released and if Canadian TRUs get them?
Sundazzle, they came out this summer, and there was also the talking electronic Whitelestia and the Collector's pack, which included Nightmare Moon and DJ-P0N3.

I believe that they made their way over to Canada, I recall Canadians talking about finding Zecora.
And she's $16.99 now. That's a ridiculous amount of money for a tiny plastic toy! I did buy one just because I like glowy things. Mine also has some weird streaking, and her eyes are not stamped on the pre-molded eye spots. (see DJ Pon 3 for another example of this).
Zecora is lovely. I had a pony friend from the US buy her for me especially. I like it that she glows in the dark. It adds to her mystery.