What an odd hobby


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 25, 2010
For the past week I have been inspecting my ponies one by one. Making notes on what I find and actions taken. Washing them individually, conditioning their hair, wrapping them up in absorbant cloth and leaving their "mummified" bodies on top of a dresser. My husband finally inquired as to what I was doing. I explained and he had this odd look on his face and said "Oh". I realized then that what I was doing is really odd. Really, here I am washing each pony like it was a new born (I was even using baby wipes), massaging human hair conditioner into their hair, and wrapping them up to help them dry nicely.
... well when you put it *that* way... :hysterical: I recall pulling out a custom I'd made (the only one of the 4 I've made that is half decent) to show off at a family gathering. It got kinda quiet, like no one quite knew what to say. In retrospect, those were looks of pity, not admiration. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Lol! I guess when you step back it does seem a little out there....My Husband loves all of it and knows Pony names better than I do. Can't say everyone understands me quite like he does though. While showing one of my friends our pictures from our vacation in FL, every so often a "Pony pic" would pop up, Ponies surfing-Ponies in museums...and every time she would hit one she would laugh histericly, I mean LOUD.
It's odd.. but what do I care. I'm odd.. have been my whole life. I tell people what I do for a hobby.. and do so proudly! To heck with them if they don't like it. I actually enjoy the strange expression they get on their face! :p
LOL Yeah, it's an odd hobby if you think about it. I spend more on hair products for my ponies than I do on myself. Ponies is srs bsns!
I really do not consider it odd. I mean there is other ways I could of been using my small amount of free time in a worse way. I suppose any type of collection could be considered interesting but not as fun as cleaning a pony's hair/styling. To each their own.
i don't think i've had any really odd reactions. i get the odd strange look and laugh from some of the people at work, but i get the same look about my music taste and i know it's all in jest (plus...i suppose listening to john barrowman then listening to dead by april back to back is kinda odd!)

the ponies i got from ponycon were all cleaned with Lush hair/body wash that smells like bubblegum though...i did think that maybe i should use cheaper shampoo for them, but i love the smell so much that i wanted the ponies to smell like it too!

i think the last time i used my ghd straightners was on the ponies hair thogh!:*******:
LOL.....when you put it that way....it is a little "different"...but I do the same thing.....HOWEVER I have help from my daughter....so in that way...nothing seems "different" around here. lol.
Yeah, I had a lot of questions and funny looks when we invited many from my husbands work for a superbowl party last year and they saw our collection room. They just stare at our displays quietly. Yep, we are an odd bunch but proud of it.
I haven't been "collecting" ponies long. I have been searching out Ponyville's for my daughters. We have about 10 regular size ponies now though. But once i found this site, i was inspired!! All these pictures of these BEAUTIFUL ponies that are used but yet look like they stepped out of a salon!!! I did the research adn spent one night washing asn styling 7 ponies that were given to me free. I absolutly could not wait till they dried so i could unwrap them and see how they looked. Most of them turned out quite nice too! But it took me about 2 hours to do just 7 ponies!! LOL! I can totally see myself starting to collect these cuties and spending way too much time in the bathroom with them LOL!
Hehee... Wait until you get into customizing them, Mrs. G. ~ then you can have a dozen ponies lined up on your desk in varying stages of construction and deconstruction. Penholder full of pony heads on chopsticks for the win!

I do customize when I can infact I'm selling one on ebay right now Custom My Little Pony Lily Love doll - eBay (item 140472773328 end time Nov-10-10 18:31:43 PST) . But I am a Mom with two demanding boys and only have a few short hours at night to dedicate to ponies. I only dare to customize one pony at a time. (LOL Bait ponies & fakies, pretty beads, glitter, and other girly stuff can be found in with their art & craft supplies. Bald, nude, and beheaded ponies always gets my oldest concerned.)
All I can do is laugh and say there are far more weirder hobbies than having pony heads to dry on my bathroom counter.
My friends just think it is funny. One of my girlfriends from high school is coming to visit from out of town (for our 10-year-high-school-reunion...ugh.) & she keeps messaging me on facebook telling me she wants to stay in the "pony room" & so forth. Another friend left me a comment telling me where to buy Pony checkbooks. So they are just amused, but all the teasing is in fun. :)

Like it has been said, there are WORSE hobbies.
Cleaning Ponies

My husband sounds similar........he used to give me a look that says "why are you playing and bathing your ponies......?.....:bathbaby:.......?.......how old are you??" ROFLMAO! But that got me to thinking......:uhoh:......wow, I am an adult....shouldnt there be a less childish hobbie I could get into...? So I tried a few things and they just didnt make me as happy as ponies!!!! Then I realized...."why should I worry about that? OBVIOUSLY I like them....and this IS constructive......if I just ACCEPTED my love for ponies in the begining, then I wouldnt have felt so conflicted for so long!" After that, I just kept going about my business and now my husband accepts how much I like them, too! Moral of this story: it doesnt matter who thinks what about your hobby....if it makes you happy, and it is constructive to you and those you love, then why not? life is too short for you to pass by the things you enjoy!!!! Now, everyone just take a deep breath and say "I LOVE PONIES!!!!" :478: see? dont you feel better now? LMAO! :)

P.S. I bathe my ponies with human shampoo, I scrub in small tight circles with a vibrating tooth brush to get off ukies, then rub my nail over the more permanent ukies, rinse, brush hair after I have put conditioner in it, let it set for a while, rinse, brush, then set out to dry for a day or so, then FINALLY they can go in my collection!!! I kind of look at it as their initiation to my pony family!!!!! :) :) :)
P.S. I bathe my ponies with human shampoo, I scrub in small tight circles with a vibrating tooth brush to get off ukies, then rub my nail over the more permanent ukies, rinse, brush hair after I have put conditioner in it, let it set for a while, rinse, brush, then set out to dry for a day or so, then FINALLY they can go in my collection!!! I kind of look at it as their initiation to my pony family!!!!! :) :) :)

I'm using a really bad (for my hair) conditioner that works well with my ponies and leaves them smelling fruity and "Nivia Touch of Bliss" with a baby wipe to wash their bodies.
It might be weird to outsiders, but anyone who collects toys, especially PVC ones gets it. I'm mean people do the same things with Barbies.

Of course it really freaks my husband out when I behead ponies to do deep cleaning and boiling.
He likes to tease me calling me a sadistic pony torturer. :twisted:
And he cracks jokes at me when I come home with a new one.

Growing up doesn't mean you have to leave everything behind. We all have inner children that need as much love as the young ones around us.
My husband sounds similar........he used to give me a look that says "why are you playing and bathing your ponies......?.....:bathbaby:.......?.......how old are you??" ROFLMAO! But that got me to thinking......:uhoh:......wow, I am an adult....shouldnt there be a less childish hobbie I could get into...? So I tried a few things and they just didnt make me as happy as ponies!!!! Then I realized...."why should I worry about that? OBVIOUSLY I like them....and this IS constructive......if I just ACCEPTED my love for ponies in the begining, then I wouldnt have felt so conflicted for so long!" After that, I just kept going about my business and now my husband accepts how much I like them, too! Moral of this story: it doesnt matter who thinks what about your hobby....if it makes you happy, and it is constructive to you and those you love, then why not? life is too short for you to pass by the things you enjoy!!!! Now, everyone just take a deep breath and say "I LOVE PONIES!!!!" :478: see? dont you feel better now? LMAO! :)


For close to five years I have been trying to stay away from toys, but they just keep calling me back. Finally, about six months ago I made a decision to just embrace it. Sure, it's an expensive hobby and it takes time and I can't always tell my friends and family about it, but as the above poster pointed out, it makes me happy. God planted this interest in me. Who am I to say no to it? :)
It might be weird to outsiders, but anyone who collects toys, especially PVC ones gets it. I'm mean people do the same things with Barbies.

Of course it really freaks my husband out when I behead ponies to do deep cleaning and boiling.
He likes to tease me calling me a sadistic pony torturer. :twisted:
And he cracks jokes at me when I come home with a new one.

Growing up doesn't mean you have to leave everything behind. We all have inner children that need as much love as the young ones around us.

OMG can you imagine the what horrors can be found in a house of someone who restores Barbie dolls. (naked plastic people and parts loose)
Odd? No you sound normal but then what do I know? I'm just a crazy MLP collector. heh heh

My family thought when I was little that I'd just grow out of ponies. Then I hit my teens and still liked them and even played with them with my cousins right up until I hit High School. Stopped playing with them but still loved them and would come home from yard sales on th weekend with more. The family would roll their eyes. I'd reply, "Would you rather I was hanging out on some street corner with a bunch of addicts or spending all my money on booze?" Suddenly my family thought ponies were great. ha ha Even know if they spot some on vacation, they'll pick them up for me.

Really though I don't see how it's different from stamp, coin or sports card collecting. If you like it and enjoy it and you're not hurting anyone, then go for it. :D
Hehee... Wait until you get into customizing them, Mrs. G. ~ then you can have a dozen ponies lined up on your desk in varying stages of construction and deconstruction. Penholder full of pony heads on chopsticks for the win!

haha... that's *exactly* what I have.

my penholder has chopstick pikes with pony heads hanging on them like a scene out of braveheart or something!

next to the monitor are the headless bodies. it's disturbing to anyone that comes over ;)