What is......


There's no such thing as a bait Bluebelle!
Sep 21, 2007
....something you have seen done in one generation that you wished that hasbro had done with another generation.

For example:
I wish that hasbro had released some ponies in the G1 line a few times in different poses like they did with G3's. I would have loved to have had Bluebelle in a few poses.
I wish they had done more things with G3 like they did with G1, for instance perfume puff and Twinkle Eyes. Other than having 3D symbols G3 had nothing interesting going on.
I wish Hasbro would STOP re-releasing the same ponies in new poses. The appeal of G1 was getting NEW ponies in NEW combinations of colors with NEW personalities.

Also I wish they'd make more "breeds" of ponies - flutters, sea ponies, etc.
I wish they had made sea ponies again. I wish they had more elaborate playsets and better quality pony clothing. The vinyl stuff has got to go. I just wish we could bring quality back to toys period. I wish also that they would only release a pony once and not re-release it in a playset again and again and again...I don't like the idea of having several of the same pony unless the pose is different and the hair is different in some way..needs to be different. I wish they would not make a standard set of ponies that they put in numerous boxes and try to sell over and over...new new new is what I would like to see...all new
I wish they would put the dang symbol on both sides!!!!!!
I wish them all to be like g1 in terms of variability [verious species,genders,types,5 sorts of babies etc] and cute-faceness^^
God there's loads of stuff i'd love to see or have seen. I'd love for ponywear to be decent like it was with the G1's. The G3 stuff was just naff. I'd like to see mummy and baby sets again. I loved that with the G1's you had mummy firefly and baby firefly, why can't they do that again?? More breeds/boys is a total what were they thinking. When the g3's got breezies, i thought 'yes, Hasbro is getting it' but they released like a dozen and didn't try for anything different. And re-releases is a definate turn off. I don't care how pretty i thought G3 sweetiebelle was, seeing her thirty times is not going to make me buy her thirty times. Same with the way the G4's are going. I want new characters with new personalities, not 'oh look, now applejack comes with a skirt. But her to go with the four you already have'.

I also wish that the G1's would have done some babies to go with some of the later sets. Like i said, i loved the mummy and baby sets, but some of the twinkle eye ponies and later so-softs as babies would have been freakin adorable. And first tooth unicorns. Why oh why did they never do a first tooth unicorn :p
I completely agree with Skeen! I can't believe the number of G3 Pinkie Pie - it does get tiring after a while. I like variety.

I also wish they had a Big Brother line for G3. I love the boys and it would be cool to see more of them.
Nothing really new to add. I'd love to see boys, summer wing type and sea ponies in the new line, symbols on both sides, as well as new ponies.

Oh! I'd like family lines! The babies matching wouldn't be so important, as new symbols and colors stir imagination as to who the fathers are, but knowing who the mothers are would be important.
Nothing really new to add. I'd love to see boys, summer wing type and sea ponies in the new line, symbols on both sides, as well as new ponies.

Oh! I'd like family lines! The babies matching wouldn't be so important, as new symbols and colors stir imagination as to who the fathers are, but knowing who the mothers are would be important.

agree completely
Symbols on both sides, SERIOUSLY.

I would've liked to have seen the G4 style wings on G1 ponies. I think they did a great job on those, making them look very feathery just a like a MLP wing should.

I'd like G4 (and would've liked G3) to have had more distinct SETS like G1 had. With G1, they would show all the ponies on the set on the backcard. Even the mega-sets like the So-Softs . . . If you wanted to know who was in the set, you looked at the brochure or backcard. You knew immediately what feature all these ponies had in common (fuzzy flocking, or twinkle-eyes, or being flutter ponies.)

With G3, it was like . . . all these ponies who were just kind of ponies, and maybe they had a particular feature (like a symbol with glitter in it) but they were never actually listed or collected in one place, not in a brochure, certainly not on the backcards. It totally defeats the idea of "collect them all" when you can't even figure out what constitutes a "set" of ponies. I just . . . ugh. Maybe G4 will do better on sets than G3 did; I hope so.

On the same note, I wish Hasbro would hire artists to do those beautiful watercolor backcards again instead of recoloring and reusing clip art. Yes, it would cost more. But when I was a little girl, those beautiful G1 paintings didn't just make me "want" ponies, they made me YEARN for the ponies they showed. They were so . . . so idealized with their beautiful settings in the clouds or forest glades, and while most of them showed the ponies in their "toy poses", they also made the ponies look alive. Which just made me want them more, of course; more than any real-life photo of a toy could ever have done. IMO Hasbro is actually losing money in the long run by being so cheap with their art.
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More variety and different ponies. Stop re-releases. More breeds. Boy ponies. Two sided symbols like somebody said. I was disappointed when Hasbro only started putting them on side. Have ponies that do stuff like the happy tails line. I miss the old box art too.
Even though I've kinda started with the G4 like (When I was growing up I though pony toys were stupid, haha. Look at me now) I kinda dislike them. I wsh they would release more different ponies, variation in poses, maybe some Fashion styles besides the mane cast (Although they haven't gotten them all out yet, haha) Playsets that have ponies other than the mane casts, instead of re-using clip art make it look nice, put the cutie mark on both freakin sides! And maybe add some cool other "speices" EG. Sea ponies, twinkle eyes, super long hair, yaknow?
The older ponies have so mcuh personality in their faces, and although I love the show for FiM, these ponies just seem like cheap recolors. (I like Dewdrop Dazzle's eye-makeup though, hehe)
Hopefully they'll get better as the line progresses :katmeow:
I would love a family set, where the mother and the father isn´t in the same colors(maybee not even the same breed) and the baby is a mix between them(in colors/breed) and have an own cutiemark...

and I agree with all that has been said above....:allecto:
Better playsets and accessory items for starters. Also more ponies in a greater color variety would be awesome.