What would you do?



okay, another scenario....

you see your grail, one you've been searching for for a very long time. It has appeared on a shelf in a store (could be a retailer, could be a thrift store, could be at a convention). You see that there is a person right next to it, and they are blocking your way. Also, you've spotted the pony from almost across the room. As you get closer to the pony, you begin to get nervous and fear that that person is going to get that pony.

What would you do? Would you be polite or would you football tackle the pony away from that other person?
just walk(or run!) by-dart arm out-and continue on :p I've done it before :lol:
I would run for it. If I was at a thrift store and someone else picked it up first I would hurry up to them and exclaim. "You found it! Oh thank you! My daughter has been crying her eyes out ever since her pony was donated by mistake. How can I ever thank you for finding it!!" :wink:

I only did that once, for TE Locket, the guy handed her over. I don't feel bad either because he said he was just going to sell it anyway.
For a grail, I would definately run for it! I would do my best to beat the person there..lol.. every collector for themself! If not a grail, and somehting easier to obtain, I may let them go for it.. but not for a grail!
I would probably try and be polite about it. Walk over quickly and grab it. If the other person had picked it up first I think i would turn on the charm and mention that I had really been looking for that pony and it would be the world to me if I could have it. I have used that line before when asking people in stores to help me get ponies off of high shelves since I am really short.
I've given up two different ponies that I wanted badly because of this scenario. Both were at meets/fairs, so at least it was a collector that ended up with the pony! ^_^
Run and tackle! Followed by a wrestling match if necessary. ^-^ Not over ponies, but I have been known to get a little frantic at the college bookstore. Those textbooks are scarce!

I finally started ordering them on Amazon instead, lol.