Whats in the Mystery Box : Late Night Version : PART X

a collector's pose pony
Does the pony have a 3d cutie mark?
Is it merchandise? oops this was already guessed. Ignore

Okay is it white?
Cheerlie G3
G1 Peachy
Good morning everyone :)
I get to play this time! :lolpony: YAY!

Is it a G4?

Yes it is a G4

*Doesn't want to waste a guess during this rare opportunity to play, so tugs on @Slinky 's sleeve so that she'll notice and post hints.*

EDIT: 400th post! :eek:

YAY for 400th Post :D

( MLPTP is loading super slow, here... It even stopped loading when I tried to post, so I'm adding this observation)
I have checked the server logs and nothing seems to have been up, It may be your location/internet provider. Hopefully whatever it was is ok now :)
Actually I should have asked is it a brushable pony first?!