What's Your Number?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Nov 10, 2010
I love hearing about how big other collectors collections are! Let's hear it what are your numbers?

Mine are give or take a few (I know I don't have them all in my spreadsheet):

G1: 657
G2: 8
G3: 63
G4: 252

It's a not bad collection...I want more more more!

Not including blindbags, Merchandise or stuff like that.
I don't have nearly that large a collection yet... :(

G1: I think it should be around 20 if everything I have lined up to ship comes through.
G2: None (it'd be about 8 if I ever find my old ones).
G3: None.
G4: I think about 35 excluding doubles, once my shipments come in.

That's 55 ponies in seven months... not sure if that's an accomplishment?
PREPARE FOR MY AMAZINGly small numbers. In 2-3 years of collecting, I've gathered:

G1: 25
G2: 5
G3: 14
G3.5: 1
G4: 8

And I want to sell a few, so it's going to be even less eventually. But it wasn't ever my intention to collect every pony I come across, I just pick the ones I like best and roll with that, with a few surprise additions along the way. ^^;; I'm guessing I'm about halfway towards my fully realized collection.
I have no idea. I guess I could weigh a Pony then weigh a tub then calculate the amount of Ponies by weight. I literally don't know. It isn't astronomical or anything, and I never replaced the 200-250 that were stolen. I just keep buying what I find and skipping merrily along, with no plans to amass more, but then I spot some Ponies and buy 'em.

I'll have less soon, once I pull together the Ponies I'm putting in stockings for the food bank. They're nothing fabulous, but it's my way of spreading the Pony Virus to the young. Still have to buy more babies, but I've got the 50 grown ups I need!

Dang. Now I'm wanting to count Ponies.
G1: 39
G3: 6

It is small but I love them all!
G1: 38
G2: 4
G3: 342
G4: 26

I simply adore G3 :ponylove:
I also have lost track of how many I have. I know its beyond the 1000 range too.
Mirror mirror on the wall who's got the smallest pony herd of them all? Whisper does