What's Your Temper Like?

Leave a Whisper

Proud Member of Ponyholics R We
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Jun 25, 2014
We all get angry, but we all deal with it in different ways. What is your temper like?

I've got a short fuse and not a lot of patience.

I'm not violent, but I am very loud and mouthy and I hafta have the last word. Usually to my detriment. If it ever turns physical, well I'm a wuss unfortunately.
Calm, sensitive

But I get frustrated and come across angry and my hometown mannerisms tend to come out when that happens

let's just say I'm from a drug town

So I grew up being bullied a lot and just let it happen, but as an adult I come across angry because I no longer let it happen

I say things to wound the bully to get them to stop

but I've been working on being a more peaceful person.

Not working 100%, but atleast I'm making effort

So in other words I wonder some days if I have Border Line Personality Disorder ^-^
My temper is really wild.. when I was younger I would be really hard to handle when I was angry. Not that I was violent but my angry would go from zero to hunred in a sec. Now I have calmed when I am older :p but it my devil side will come out if I am really pissed.. And my bf or family are the ones to "suffer" my madness. I can handle my angry more calmer level with friends and strangers (except when I am driving and someone else drives too stupidily LOL).
You could say I got lots of temperament :p
Okay so we are talking about temper. I can have a bad temper but I handle it in an unusual way. I don't prefer to yell at all. I don't like name calling either. I also do not use foul language much. I know surprising right? I just prefer to handle an argument in as calm a way as I can. I usually will cry first when I am angry and I tend to run. So if someone really upsets me, I will break out in tears and run from them to another room, slam the door...lock it and hide. Or I may even leave the house and go sit in the park and try to calm down. If a friend is consistently mean enough to me, I may end the relationship because, I don't need to be treated that way. All problems can be handled without drama. If someone threatens me they are out immediately. I will let them know they are forgiven and that I would prefer not to talk again. (in all my life this has only happened to me twice) I have been through too much to deal with that kind of thing.
I will confront some people with issues, but I am always open to their side even if I don't agree.
I have learned to be more patience as I've got older but I do have a good irish paddy when I get fired up. Usually it's bullying, people being cruel to kids or animals that really wind me up. Idiots on the road can get me a bit angry .... ok a lot angry. I have a terrible potty mouth (it comes from hanging around tradies all day)
Sometimes I have short fuse. It depends on the situation and who is involved. Sometimes people find this out they like to exploit it for some reason.
I'm pretty much a doormat. I let people just walk all over me and I sit there. I probably should feel bad about that, but it is what it is. Every now and then I might get a little snappy, but that's about it.
I use to be a door mat too Bunny but I've found my paddy very handy in keeping me from despair especially in the last few years. Why be upset by people when I can just give them a short sharp hand signal
I have fun fantasies of shooting people out of cannons. My sister in law is my current favourite. Can't even answer the bloody phone now for fear of having to talk to her. If she pushes me much more, I may just start hollering at her.

(My brother has left her. I understand she is unhappy, but i have nothing to do with it, nor can I make him go back to her. Considering how she acts, I think he had a legit reason to flee into the night like a big yellow chicken)
Oo when my little aussie sister & her husband separated him & his mother were ringing my other little sister trying to get her to talk some sense in to aussie sis. It wasn't me they called as I tend to call a spade a spade. I'm just surprised it took so long for her escape. He trod on my last nerve two minutes after I met him. Maybe it was because he can't use power tools (or hand tools for that matter) :devil:
I'm pretty much a doormat. I let people just walk all over me and I sit there. I probably should feel bad about that, but it is what it is. Every now and then I might get a little snappy, but that's about it.

Oh boy I think we must be related. I tend to let things happen to me sometimes with relatives that should not be happening. All because I would rather not be the one that messed up the peace that doesn't exist between us ROFLOL.
My dad got around. We could very well be sisters! LOL!
Ha ha my dad was the same way. The mystery deepens.