Which country's variants/ponies do you like the most?

Peppermint Truly

Rockabilly husky tamer
Jun 10, 2005
For me, well, I have a soft spot for Mexicans (I'm biased!), but I also have a crush on all things Brazil...

Which one is it for you?
Brazil ponies are my favorites even though I don't have any yet. I love the Brazilian babies the most. Baby Lofty is my grail!
Someday I'd like to own all the babies of all the different countries.
oh man i love their colors!!!!!!!!
brazilian is a close second ;), but too expensive for me
and Dutch too!
I like the French ponies! :]
With my Nirvanas I mainly collect Italians and I think they are really pretty but my absolute favs are Greeks and Brazilians (I'm another that would adore a Baby Lofty :D ) sadly I don't own any yet though :-(
Pick a favorite?
Boy.. Sophies choice!

Hrm.. I really like Argies.. Especially the Allitas and bright colours and stuff.
Greeks and mexicans are awesome too. ^_^

I have a soft spot for german ponies.. They are easier to find abit too :p
Hehe, just to be awkward. USA ponies, they're variants to me; I never knew them as a child. ;)
I can't decide between Brazil and Argentina. I don't own any Brazilian ponies, so maybe it's just the lure of the unknown, lol!
I really like Argentinas but there's so many nice nirvana's out there its hard pick a favorite.
Personally I'm weak against the Argentina ponies. Propably because of their vibrant colors... I also love Mexicans (especially the Prince ponies make me drool).
I love argie ponies - their crazy colours get me every time!
I've been on a big Italian pony kick lately... But I adore Mexicans and Argies as well.
i'm not really all that interested in forgein varients mainly because i know i'll never have one. that and none have really caught my eye besides the Italian Blue Moonstone. so i guess i got a none ^^;
:reaper: Katy :reaper:
Not so much any country or pose, but I love CP pony variants. I love UK Applejack and Bowtie. I love Brazilian Gusty. I love the CP most of all, so any pony I can get in this pose it awesome for me. :)