White Argentina Snuzzle!


Fakie Goddess
Jun 14, 2005
I was so excited to win this girl, sadly her mane is cut but i plan to re-hair her. she's my Christmas present this year :D


sorry the pic is so huge
Omygosh she is so cute! Lucky you--please post a pic when she gets her new 'do.
She's very pretty--I like her colours. n_n Congratulations~!
I don't think I've ever seen her before. Yes, please show us pictures after her re-do!
You are so lucky to have her. Regardless of her current condition you have a pony worthy of envy. Looking at her, I understand even more why I love collecting Argies, especially the collectors pose types. Currently I got a Lofty in the same pose and the feeling I had when I opened her packaging is similar to the one I get when I look at your Snuzzle variant. Absolutely gorgeous. 8)
Beautiful! SHe's not in too bad of shape at all. Merry X-mas to you for sure!

Wow, what a cutey! Congrats!
Please post pics when she gets her new hair!

WOW~~~!! Eeee, what a doll! I must say, the colours are lovely, what a gorgeous pony!


Flutta pony drawn by me~~!