WHITE Celestia available for pre-order through Toys 'R Us.com


MLPTP Supporter
Jun 6, 2005

My Little Pony Princess Celestia - Hasbro - Toys "R" Us

$19.99, limit of 2 per customer
Aw! She looks so wonderful! I wish I could pre-order in Canada.... but we can't.... :(
Would anybody be willing to order one for me?
Definitely better than the purple . . .
AT last! long overdue. I really don't like the pink one (even though we have two of her! :-/ ). Wonder if they will "replace" all the previously issued Celestias with white ones?
I was just thinking about this pony the other day, wondering when she'd be available for sale. I flat out refused to buy the pink one and am so very glad Hasbro wised up and produced a white Celestia. I will be ordering one of these lovelies for sure.

Her colors look SO much better against a white body!

Does anyone know why she was white in the show but pink in the original toy? The only thing I can think of is Hasbro has said before that pink ponies sell best and they thought she'd sell better pink--completely ignoring the fact she's white in the show?
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I was just thinking about this pony the other day, wondering when she'd be available for sale. I flat out refused to buy the pink one and am so very glad Hasbro wised up and produced a white Celestia. I will be ordering one of these lovelies for sure.

Her colors look SO much better against a white body!

Does anyone know why she was white in the show but pink in the original toy? The only thing I can think of is Hasbro has said before that pink ponies sell best and they thought she'd sell better pink--completely ignoring the fact she's white in the show?

That's the only reason that comes close to making sense. Not that it makes sense. Even little girls who love pink, if they watch the show would be going, "But mommy/daddy, that *can't* be CElestia!" I mean... LOL
She is a very light pink in the show, (only very!) but I think she looks better completely white!
The kid: "I LOVE white Celestia!"

We haven't bought the pink ones... Lily-Ann may only be four, but she knows Celestia isn't bright pink. First time she saw one of the pink ones she just stopped. Her jaw dropped, she looked at me, and said "Momma! What did they do to Celestia?!??" LOL

From the girl:

When we get the white Princess Celestia we will :photo:
I find it strange that TRU shows her without the super bright red blush. I wonder if that's just an old prototype pic they're using on the site or if they decided to not use the blush on the Celestias in the stores.
I don't trust ToysRUs.com, unfortunately. They've sent me completely the wrong figure and instead just something from the same line way too many times. I'm going to hold out until we actually see white Princess Celestia turn up in a store myself.