Who is your favorite Collector's Pose G1?

How dare you make me choose! LOL I'm going to have to say Blue Belle.
My sentimental favorite would be Blossom, because she was my first pony as a kid. But really? I don't know.

Ok Bluebelle was my first pony ever and I collect Blossom variantions but I gotta go with Snuzzle. She's adorable!

It is really interesting how different the choices of the tp and arena are on the CP ponies. :) I posted this in both places.

Thanks for all the replies. You're helping me make a big decision. :D
Cotton Candy is the classic, but I'm going to have to go with Snuzzle on that one for her uniqueness.
I have a special place in my heart for Cotton Candy since she's the first pony I had, and I remember desperately wanting Blue Belle as a kid, but my vote goes to Snuzzle for her unique coloring and adorable name.
ooh, that is hard...I guess I am going to have to go with Snuzzle :)

I'm afraid I'm going to have ot be a follower on this one and say Minty along with the dozen other people who already have. She's really the only one of the CPs I even like. Such pretty colors.

Minty would have to be my fave by default, since she was my first ever pony. I love Blue Belle, too.
Mmmm . . . a tough one. But I'd say my absolute faves are Minty and Butterscotch. Of course, I love them all!
I would have to say Blue Belle
Snuzzle is my absolute favorite followed by Minty and Butterscotch (who was my first)