Why are G3's magnetic?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 25, 2005
I dont know a LOT about G3's, but I'm curious. Why are their feet magnetic?
Because they come with accessories that open, hence the magnet, or they can step on something and it plays music or lights up
basicaly it was a way to make everypony "magicaly" work every playset.
You know, thats a pretty good idea. I dont have any playsets. I'm a G1 girl, but I'll have to buy one now that I know that
Lol, they are pretty cool, once my boyfriend saw how they magically opened, he was captured...lol

I jumped really high the first time I tried to open something in a playset with the magnet.
It flew open! My heart skipped a beat there =P Don't remember now what playset it is but I think pretty much everything just opens with such force... Keep your fingers far away from what's opening. That's my advice.
It also helps them stay put on their shelves! I bought several metal spice racks from Target and they just STICK to them!! LOL! They look very nice displayed and I'm very happy they worked out so well.

My first experience with the accessory magic was with Sweet Summertime and the magical CRAB popping out of her sandcastle. I just about LAUGHED everytime that happened. My husband thought I was beyond goofy. :D
My G3s "mountainclimb" up the bird cage. It's awesome =D


I use Penny Candy to leave messages for my 6 year old on the fridge. She knows if Penny's there, mommy left her a note

lmao.. very nice..
My niece (5) learned all about magnets with those, she was SO impressed that they stuck on things, we had to run all over the house testing out every semi-shiny thing. She learned that they DO stick to the fridge, NOT the dog. (arf!) They DO stick to the lamp, NOT the piano. She was hilarious.

Then she stuck one to her grandaddy's gunsafe, which my mother can't STAND anyway, so we piled 'em all on before he came home. All the girls in the house were quite thrilled, and mom was pretty smug. Yay ponies! Bravely blocking the way to my dad's man-toys! Dad even cracked a smile.

My niece DOES think ponies are magical now, in real life even. Heh.
