why sparkyg's broke : )



alrighty.. i've been VERY VERY busy all the last month or two..maybe three! with ebay and the like.. so without further adu, here are my past few month's buys,

latest obsession.. almost all done!




i got the mlp patterns from delaneys, the the fluppies from various other.. ebay peopel =p lol


frightfulweather : ) $50 total

<3 ebay, $25 total

i SO love these all : )

the bf said i needed these : )



these i got from crazyvintagegirl for $400 total










these are from caliesto! i forgot to take pics of one set tho... bah!



and thats whyi'm broke. *nods*
http://s69.photobucket.com/albums/i80/AirinKitty/wins from the bay/
if youwanan see the pics bigger, check the link : )
Wowww nice collection! Congrats!!! *drools* Those wing dancers are so cute, I never saw them, but maybe it's better off I didn't.. I'd be super broke!
Yeah, I can see why you're broke! :lol: Very, very nice stuffies!
Wow! Totally understandable as to why you're broke!!!!! :D
Love your Fluppys!! I have almost ALL of them MIB. All I need is Cool Flup and a couple of the babies. :) That's a very nice lot ya got there!!
Thats an excellent haul - well worth the money!!

FLUPPIES! Those are simply adorable!

What a great ebay month for you! How fun!

Playful Heart said:
Love your Fluppys!! I have almost ALL of them MIB. All I need is Cool Flup and a couple of the babies. :) That's a very nice lot ya got there!!

WOW! i'd LOVE to see pictures of them!! especially stanley! do youhave any extra? lol
SparkyGemini said:
Playful Heart said:
Love your Fluppys!! I have almost ALL of them MIB. All I need is Cool Flup and a couple of the babies. :) That's a very nice lot ya got there!!

WOW! i'd LOVE to see pictures of them!! especially stanley! do youhave any extra? lol

I need to dust them off anyways, so I will try and get them down from the shelf sometime this next week and get some good photos for ya! :) I also have several plushies from the UK too. They're really neat. I also have some MIB woof wear, card cames, books, a MIB Umbrella Tote Gift Set...well...yes, I'm a Fluppy fanatic too. :D I always have been. I actually DO have 2 extra of Silly Flup, but I'm keeping them because their boxes are different and the one is from the UK. I will try and get pictures to you soon. The holiday weekend is kind of keeping me from the computer! Which is kind of a good thing in a way. ;) I get to spend more time outside and with the husband! LOL!

BTW...can you get a better shot of your baby Fluppy MIB? I'm not sure if I have that one or not and just curious! ;) Such a cutie!

mine mib is wiggle pup, but she dosent have her bonnett. shes pink/blue yarn haired with a white yarn tail and pink terry booties with white lace.
ifr you ever come across any mib fluppies, would ya pick them up for me? i'm especially looking for ozzie and stanley. mostly stanley.. i loovvee him...
SparkyGemini said:
mine mib is wiggle pup, but she dosent have her bonnett. shes pink/blue yarn haired with a white yarn tail and pink terry booties with white lace.
ifr you ever come across any mib fluppies, would ya pick them up for me? i'm especially looking for ozzie and stanley. mostly stanley.. i loovvee him...

I will keep an eye out for you, but I've never seen any MIB at thrift stores or anywhere other than eBay. I HAVE found loose Fluppy Dogs though. I've been working on my collection since I became an active member of eBay back in 1999 and that's how I've managed to get so many. :D I will make sure and get some good shots of Stanley for you. I take it you've seen the cartoon? That's how I got started with my love of these plushies!! Plus I have my original 2 that I had as a child. Such good memories.

I have Tickle Pup and Twinkle Pup MIB and Twinkle Pup and Nuzzle Pup MIB that are in the UK boxes. Ugh...I'm sorry I'm going on and on about them, but I promise I will post pictures of my entire Fluppy collection. :D It's so nice to find other fellow Fluppy enthusiasts.

*edit* Just letting you know that I will be working on getting my collection down on Wednesday (9/6) to take pictures. I haven't forgotten, but I had to catch-up on all my daily chores today that got left undone over the holiday weekend. :) Plus I got LOTS of packages in today and I had to go through all those too.
Playful Heart said:
SparkyGemini said:
mine mib is wiggle pup, but she dosent have her bonnett. shes pink/blue yarn haired with a white yarn tail and pink terry booties with white lace.
ifr you ever come across any mib fluppies, would ya pick them up for me? i'm especially looking for ozzie and stanley. mostly stanley.. i loovvee him...

I will keep an eye out for you, but I've never seen any MIB at thrift stores or anywhere other than eBay. I HAVE found loose Fluppy Dogs though. I've been working on my collection since I became an active member of eBay back in 1999 and that's how I've managed to get so many. :D I will make sure and get some good shots of Stanley for you. I take it you've seen the cartoon? That's how I got started with my love of these plushies!! Plus I have my original 2 that I had as a child. Such good memories.

I have Tickle Pup and Twinkle Pup MIB and Twinkle Pup and Nuzzle Pup MIB that are in the UK boxes. Ugh...I'm sorry I'm going on and on about them, but I promise I will post pictures of my entire Fluppy collection. :D It's so nice to find other fellow Fluppy enthusiasts.

*bounces around* dont bother saying sorry, i'd LOVE to see a -real- mib fluppy!! ( mine falloff and arent tethered down to the box : (

if you ever wanna sell any i'll nbuy 'em! lol. feel free to IM me or email me , we can take the flup talk off the boards lol.. airinkitty on aim, airinkitty@yahoo.com for email

I can see why you have been buissy... and why you're broke :p OMG what a haul you got there!!! I'm SO jealous right now.

Enjoy all your new pony goodies :)
wow, someone's had lots of pony luck! :) Congrats! they all look great! :)