Winter Holiday Custom Swap - Feedback Left! All Wrapped Up! Thank You!

I just got back from the post office and sent skig the DC number. :D
Mine is all packed up. Should be going out Monday.
Sent mine out today; woop-woop! ^_^

(I'm "raisin' the roof", in case you couldn't tell. XD )
Sent mine out today also.
I received an amazing custom from Kar! Thank you so much! *hugs* Chad's at work now, so I have time until I have to pick him up in the morning (not allowed to drive when you've been prescribed Vicodin for pain). I vote for everyone to post the custom that she made once her partner receives, but if everyone wants one brag thread, that's OK too.
i mailed mine out monday afternoon. turned out to weigh more than i expected, so it cost a bit more too. i hope my partner likes it. cant wait for mine to come.
my curling job was a success!! i am so amazed. now i need to wrap everything up, stick in in the box, and mail out all 4 boxes and 17 cards XD;;;; i'm aiming to do that thursday or father's suposed to redo the kitchen floor today/tomorrow :uhg: but yeah *goes off to print shipping labels now*

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
aww so cute Starrby

Mine will be mailed out tomorrow with my other swap boxes ^^ They are sitting by the front door waiting (Im itching to show her off)
yay!!!!! i am so glad you got it and really like it. i will now go post a thread with pics of her.
I finished last night (stupid accessories... -grumbles-) I'll be shipping out tomorrow =)
I got my pony from Starrby today! I'm so overjoyed. She's just so adorable, and Starrby sent so many goodies with it. Thank you so much, Starrby! I'll let you start a thread to explain her because I'm sure your pics are better than mine, but I'm posting pics in here because I'm just so excited about her that I want to show her off. :D

Also, I have to say great minds think alike on this one because one of the ideas I had for Kar's was to put little pinecones in her hair. :D


Swap package - The beautiful custom, of course; crayon cards, gormet hot chocolates, grow-a-pony, and some chocolate covered pretzels and malt balls in the power ranger baggie


The pony alone - Love the scarf, btw.


Without the scarf so you can see the design better

oooo that is an awesome custom; Congrats!

I mailed mine today - as soon as UPS updates the site so I know which number goes to what I will send it to you Skig
I'm really glad you like her LadyLaw! ^_^ I thought it was funny when I saw the one you made for Kar that you made an ornament, and I made you a tree.

...on a side-note, last year while sorting through cupboards in my kitchen I came across two unopened boxes of Power Rangers Ziplocks. They have since become a coveted commodity among my friends and family. XD
POWER RANGER ZIPLOCS! ZOMR THOSE ARE AWESOME!!! *steals Starrby's box of them and runs off cackling like a crazy woman*

Mailed all of my stuff out today-$31 for 5 packages and 17 cards :lol: swap box was the 2nd most expensive thing-canda shipping was still more at least ^^;

:reaper: Kat :reaper: