woukld soemone rehair my plush cotton candy for me?



i have a plush cotton candy, she has basicly no hair. i would like someone to rehair her for me, now that im thinking about it i almost wonder if i should just buy a new one. what do you guys think, keep her and try to get her some ahir, or give her away and buy a new one? thanks

Ehh...I'd just buy a new one, actually. You could probably find one on eBay for the same price as a rehair. o.o
i have about 4 cotton candy plushes... none are perfect but if you don't mind one with a hair cut you can have one of mine for the cost of shipping
I'd probably just get another one.

Let me know when you get your new one in, and want to sell your hairless plush. Been looking for a Bait CC plush :D
my bf nought me one a little whilre ago.. thanks very much ahriam!! Rabid muffins, give me a om if you still wnat her!! id love her to be gone!!!