Would You Rather Game?

the hole

Would you rather be a race car driver or an accordion player?
Accordion Player

I have a fear of fast anything cars roller coaster ect.

Would you rather be in the show walking dead or the game the last of Us both are zombie based.
UGH, none. Not only do I hate feeling scared, I absolutely LOATHE zombies. No joke. :mad:

Though if I had to choose, I'd say the Walking Dead. Simply because it doesn't make my blood boil like The Last of Us does. Okay, butthurt over!

Betamax or Laser Disc?
Laser disc

would you rather be floating in a life raft being circled by 6 great white sharks or sitting in a wooden boat that has a hole surrounded by 6 Black Caiman.
sharks... caimans are more vicious (or that is what I think...)

Would you like to live in Supernatural or Arrow? (tv shows)
Arrow. Then I could meet Flash and betray him by teaming up with Grodd. I stinkin' love Grodd.

Would you rather live somewhere very hot or very cold?
VERY COLD I hate hot weather living in the south aka Alabama is hot sticky and uncomfortable. We get little to no snow and cold weather only last two months at the most.

Fight a battle with the Jedi or Boldly going where no one has gone before with Mr. Spock :cry:

Would you rather eat something sweet or have a steak?
Steak I need meat.

Would you rather go to a garage sale that has a a pee soaked mattresses and find good things or a garage sale that smells good and has nothing.
I have risked that stinky garage sale and been successful.

Would you rather fill your mouth with marshmallows and sing or fill your pockets with rocks and try to run?
I would fill my pockets with rocks and have my pants puled down again.

Would you rather fight a Luchador or a sumo wrestler.
Luchador. At least he won't squash me like a bug.

Would you rather swim with sharks or sleep in a lion cage?
The lion cage! Assuming it's just a cage for lions, without any lions in it.

Would you rather give up food or ponies forever?

(Posted it in the right place this time!)
I'd rather give up Ponies. It's a sad confession. But I likes ta eat.

Would you rather live in a mansion in the city, or in a cabin in the woods?
Cabin in the woods, all the way. It is my secret dream to be a hermit with a ton of animals.

Would you rather teach a skill or learn a new one?
I'd like to learn more. I'm a dreadful teacher.

Would you rather have lots of causal friends or just a few very very close friends?
I would have very close friends scene I have no friends.

Would you rather buy gas station burritos or walmart burritos.
Walmart Burritos for sure.

Would you rather visit Ireland for a month or Alaska for a month?
Ireland! Too cold in Alaska. (although seeing the Northern Lights is on my Bucket List)

Would you rather clean your house or go to the dentist.
Clean my house.
Would you rather be on stage in a bikini or a one piece swim suit?