Would You Rather Game?


would you rather Hang Glide way way up high or jump out o a plan with a parachute from way way up high
I've parachuted once, I screamed all the way down. Guess I'll try Hang Gliding!

Would you rather stay inside or go outside?
Go outside. My favorite thing in the world, besides ponies, is taking long walks on cool nights.

Would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak any foreign language?
Speak to animals. Sure would help in my work.

Would you rather watch TV or listen to music?
Watch TV lol

Would you rather do 5 kids homework (they will pay you LOL) or kill yourself?
If it's Common Core math, get me a gun!

Would you rather eat a bug or drink rotten milk?
I would eat a Breadbox Pony in a heartbeat. To gain her power.

Would you rather dance or DJ?

Would you rather steal the elements of harmony or kidnap the princesses and discord?
Kidnap the princess and discord. Cant Use the elements if your not one of choice

would you rather be turned into a sloth or a watermelon
hahaha, A sloth, I can be nice and lazy and wouldn't have to go to work.

Would you rather go to the beach or go to the movies.

Would you rather write a poem or read a thousand page novel?
read a thousand page novel.

Would you rather take a shower In the rain or a bath in a river.
Done both, love both but going to have to pick bathing in the river. You can take your sweet time!

Would you rather watch a play or perform in it?
watch it

Would you rather have a real living MLP blind bag sized or as big as a real pony?
Oh, blind bag size. Then I could take her everywhere (but fear she'd get squished)

Would you rather eat veggies or ice cream (I always write these when I'm hungry)
Ice cream. I'd rather be chubby and eat something I find yummy than be thin and eat things I don't like (mainly icky veggies:lolpony:)

Would you rather watch a horror movie or explore a haunted building?
Explore a haunted building! I was actually part of a 'ghost hunter' team for awhile and it was sooooo fun.

Would you rather have a room full of toy Ponies or one real life pony?
That is a difficult question... I think I'd take the room full of toys, if only because real horses need a lot of space (of which I have none), they cost a lot to maintain (and I am dirt poor)... and they don't live forever. :( But if it was a full-sized living MLP, then F yeah, I'd take that in a heartbeat! :eek: I'd keep her under my bed and feed her cereal... and I'd have a box off to the side that she could use whenever she needs to poop rainbow sherbet.

Would you rather be stunningly beautiful or extremely intelligent?
Well, I'm already both of course! BWAHAHA!

No seriously, I'll take brains over beauty any day. Looks fade, but a good wit can save your hide on a daily basis.

Would you rather meet a movie star or your favourite writer?