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Can Someone please explain to me why Mia and Me Unicorns:


Proud Owner of Cat Pee Pony
Dec 24, 2010
Look so ridiculous? They have these hoses for tails and then a fluff of hair coming out of the bottom. They want to charge nearly 50.00 for a toy that has a fairly open seam down the front and only half a tail? Am I missing something here. I am so confused. I think there is a show or something. Is there a reason they look so weird? They are pretty otherwise.
I had no idea they even existed until you wrote of them and I hit goggle. They seem to have permanent "DUH" face...
I can explain the half a tail thing, traditional unicorns were described as having "The body of a stag(deer), the tail of a lion, and the head of a goat with a single horn" and sometimes cloven hooves like a goat or deer with a goat beard. They never used to have horse tails, these toys are tapping into the more traditional unicorn image as opposed to the more modern "horse with horn" unicorn like in the mlp line
Oh I get it. I guess they think the kids will understand that. I did not know about that at all. Thank you for explaining it. I still am not sure why the price is so high.
You gotta pay extra for their expressions. :surprisepony:
would make a cute confused last unicorn figure
Upon closer inspection, I see what you mean about the dumb expressions. I love the styles they have though. I wish the eyes were a bit better :/
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I tried to watch the series from netflix while back... but nooo I could not. I think their eyes are too weird otherwhise the style is cute.
Even thought the tail is more traditional side it looks weird. If they want to be traditional the unicorns should have that goats head etc. mixing it just doesn't seem right in my eyes :P