Candy nursery anyone? *warning big pics and pic heavy*

The ponies are not chocolate, the candy that I used for them are vanilla flavored because I had to get white and pink. I tasted one of the disks before melting them and they're pretty good. They were quite hard to make, cause first of all I had to buy putty to make the molds with, so not only are the candies homemade, but the molds are as well. Then when I was taking them out of the molds, Baby Starshine lost both of her legs and Baby Tiddleywinks lost one of them which I wasn't able to reattach.. if you look at the pic of her closer, you can see that her leg was just put into the icing on the floor and then her body was positioned on top of it to look as natural as possible. Then making symbols and eyes were quite hard as well because the colors I have to dye the icing and the fondant/gum paste doesn't work well on their own and they don't dry.. so I had to be careful with getting my finger prints all over them. I just made a white blob of icing on Baby Tiddley to represent her bib. The hair is fondant, dyed in Baby Starshine's case, and wasn't too hard. The tails were a little hard to stick on.. I had to use a small amount of icing to make sure they stuck.. but I'm happy with how they turned out. The manes on them are covering up the split in their bodies (since I had to cut the molds in half toactually make them). I lost the molds after I got them out too, because to try and get them out to save the intact limbs (and the heads) I basically had to rip them. I have another box that I got in the mail with the putty, so if I decide I want to try this again sometime, I have the putty to make new molds.
D-Brite and I saw your pony nursery "live" today! WOW, it looks even better in person!!! And we couldn't believe some of the other entries--holy wow, someone even made a sinking Titantic... lol.... somehow not quite as festive as a traditional GB house, eh? Amazing nonetheless as were most of the entries. :)

It's been ages since I went to PV at this time of year; I'd forgotten how lovely it is with all the lights and decorations.
I'm glad you all liked it. Unfortunately, I once again didn't place this year, yet they decided on a three way third place tie. :icon_razz1: This was the second year in a row I didn't place and I'm starting to get discouraged, but I might go ahead and try again next year.. I'll just be going a different route than the last two years.