G3 Chubby Cheeks and Feeling Rough [EDITED]

I got some magic erasers from the pound shop. Since it’s late in the evening, I tested it on Blossomforth, PeriWinkle and Fancy Free instead of a bunch of ponies. The roughness hadn’t gone away but now they’re even cleaner which is nice! The marking on Peri’s head has faded away a lot! It’s very faintly there but it’s more or less gone unless you hold her a certain way to light and know where to look
Do they feel sticky or rock hard?
Actually, Peri’s rough ear is rock hard. I’m thinking maybe it’s something to do with the ageing now, the roughness. Where she feels hard is in the same place as her roughness. She is an old one in my herd too. As I write this, I’m squishing and squashing where Blossomforths roughness mainly is (her nose and mouth) to see if it’s like Peri’s ear and that is quite hard too and she has a soft body. This could be something like going hard? Another way G3’s age?

Thank you everybody for the help! :smile: It is much appreciated
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