Custom pegasus Little Moonbeam


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
Jun 7, 2005
This is my first feathery-winged custom...and only my second pegasus custom ever. Her name is Little Moonbeam. She was made from a DG Fakie baby with a blue body. Rehaired w/ Restoredoll's Hiho Silver with some silver tinsel added in. Painted symbol and sculpted wings from Apoxie Sculpt around a wire skeleton that goes into the pony's back.

She is currently on eBay!

Very cute! I love her blue color and silver hair. You did a great job!
How gorgeous!!! You did an amazing job on the wings and I love her symbol!!
Wow, that's just phenomenally cute! Do you have a tutorial on how you make wings? I'd love to learn!
Those are by far the best wings I have seen anywhere, including on professionally manufactured toys and figures. :shock: W.........O........W. That is truely a pony rebirth. From cheap, scary looking fakie to a stunning example of craftmenship.
*long pause*
Please tell me you've taken a sculpting class before?

*gobbles her up*

I wish I could paint to good. She's precious. I love the wings.
moonbeam Questorstar, I've never had a sculpting lesson :) I've just played with clay since I was itty bitty, and the Apoxie Sculpt isn't too far from the consistancy of clay. Always been into artsy stuff.
Wow Woosie! Another awesome custom! She is lovely!
Eeee omg she's beautiful!! I'm in love with her wings and colors, and well.. everything! I'd so bid if I could afford her, and I never by customs, lol! *implodes*
you never fail to amaze me, that is just adorable, I showed all my friends your web page, and they were all in awe.

off topic: are you guys leaving for the hurrician? LMK, just concerned about all my pony friends down south. (I sent both you and questor a PM)

She's just darling! and her wings are amazing!

wow you did an excellent job on those wings! she looks great!
She's very pretty i love the colors and her wings are so cute. Great job on her. :)
i love her wings, i cant believe she didnt go for more than that...she really should have