* * Custom Plushie * * Powder * * for Wystearya

Guess what I got in the mail yesterday! :D My Powder plushie of course! She is 100% better in person, and I loved her pics. She is just the perfect size for cuddling. :) The hair is just so silky.. I could go on and on! Anyway, I adore her. She is worth every penny and the wait. ;)

I do have one tiny suggestion. You should put a "Handmade by ___" tag on them. Or maybe a certificate to go with them. They are too nice to send without credit to the creator! :D

I'm really glad that you like her! :D

I was thinking about having tags made but I'm not sure if people would like a tag sticking out of it's butt. I don't really know what to say on a certificate.